Hi there! Let me give you a sneak peek on what my profession is and how it is to be one in the Philippines.
I am a licensed Medical Technologist or as what they call our profession these days a Medical Laboratory Scientist and I am proud to be one. I am already almost five years in this field and i still love it.
It all started when I began my fondness on watching movies with crime scene investigators and other related shows(CSI, BONES..etc) during my high school years. However, before high school I always wanted to be a doctor. We'll I still do want to. I asked people what course I would take in college and I had a lot in mind and i was super confused. My cousins and classmates influenced me to take the course and most especially my mother. She had a friend who told her that Medical Technology would be a great Pre-Medical Course because it is so much closer (based on curriculum) to Medicine. So, took that course and here I am now.
At first I was excited but scared. I heard people saying it's the most or one of the most difficult courses in college aside from Medicine or Law. BUT IT WAS FUN! Scary --- but fun. It was all worth it. I thank my parents for all the hard work putting me in a very outstanding school in Cebu for Medical Technology and it was my dream school. Cebu Doctors' University.
Time passed by so fast and I graduated! Of course with the support of my family, Mama Annie, Papa Marcial, Kuya Marc, Ate Angie, Papa Felix, Bernard and others. They are the ones who made me tough during the battling days. It was never easy but they were always there. Undeniably, God was there too and is still here now with me.
the end.
No, It's not over yet. My job has just started. My first job was a Junior Medical Technologist in a free standing laboratory. I liked it and I was the master in decorating our facility. LOL.
I worked there for a year and 8 months but there where ups and downs but I was thankful enough that at such a young age I achieved the highest position in the office. Chief Medical Technologist I learned a lot by myself. I also learned how to deal with people, market companies, operate different machines and others. I gained friends.
By that time, i thought to myself, those who doubted my capabilities, my knowledge -- HAH! I am on top. But it didn't last that long, I realized if i am already here what am I gonna do next? I thought I should try something new and begin a new chapter in my life.
So now, I am currently in a infamous humanitarian organization and I am enjoying it. I attend trainings to expand my knowledge and uplift my standards.
Nevertheless, being a Medical Technologist here in the Philippines is difficult. Low salary, Low hazard pay and expensive seminars and trainings (my fellow Medtechs do agree with me and I know that). A lot of my batch mates are already in the US or in other places in the world to earn more the 10 folds the salary here in our country. People underestimate us. It wasn't easy to graduate and study the course and let alone the tuition fee. It's never paid back after working a year.
Please hear us out. We work all around, read urine, read stool, culture bacteria and fungi, slice up tissues, extract blood, collect discharges, read blood smears, etc. We know results before doctors do. We get scolded if we didn't hit the vein (this is the most frustrating part -- it's not easy to look for a vein. Want us to hit the artery?). We get to handle dangerous and risky specimens (BLOOD, Urine, Sputum..). We face the ill and we never get enough protection. We get paid less than what we are working for.
What we want, Most of us.. To get paid more than enough, respected and not scolded, understood and not degraded, protected and not forsaken.
We love this course and we love what we do but don't abuse us. We work for a cause and not to just wander off and spend money anywhere. It goes to our families and most especially to our parents to whom we give back their hard work.
So please, the next time you meet a Medical technologist please tell them they are doing a great job. With just that, we are energized and that is enough just to get us throughout the day after all the emotional hurt we receive from patients and their companions
Thank you for taking time reading this blog. I appreciate it. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as i enjoyed during my years in this profession.
You are doing a great job in your field, Mae2... <3 <3 <3 Keep it up! ^^
Thanks ate!
You're welcome... 😍😘