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RE: For the love of the game - Friday Freewrite

in #life6 years ago

Gifts kill xmas for me. Love the family time, but hate the greed factor that comes into it.

I don't think gifting each other is a real tradition of Xmas right? we don't have that kind of tradition on any celebration except for wedding and newborn baby celebration, but it's always okay if we can afford any gifts. beside, time and present is the best gifts you have in family.


This shows you aren't from the Xmas revolves around gifts here. People obsess over what to get people, how much they think the other person will spend so they can spend about the same, and so forth. Not one bit of it in enjoyable as the second I start to enjoy the family time the topics of gifts comes up. Nobody can understand why I feel this way so that creates added tension.

I mean people actually get mad at me for telling them not to buy me a gift and for not wanting to be part of gift exchanges. The price points for these exchanges is low enough that anything an I might want at that price point I would just purchase right then I end up with crap that most of the time I don't even open as I didn't want it or need it in the first place. Yet each year my Wife insists that I am part of a couple exchanges. Drives me crazy.

most of the time I don't even open as I didn't want it or need it in the first place. Yet each year my Wife insists that I am part of a couple exchanges. Drives me crazy.

😂😂😂 but isn't it good for networking and keep the relationship complicated at least once a year though there's no fun for you 😁 I think most adult man feel the same like you..and if only you knew, woman get crazy too when they have to buy a gift for a man 😂