How to Come Up Personal Assistant Of The Unconscious "Jessica Method"

in #life9 years ago

You can do it yourself .. ! By practicing simple method that we call " Jessica Method" , you can bring up the " Personal Assistant " which is the realization of your deepest consciousness .

Personal Assistant that you come up you can see , feel, to touch, and you can talk . You can tell Personal Assistant you to do things to help you , because the Personal Assistant has a variety of unique abilities that are very useful .

With this method , you can get various phenomena astonishing, unique experiences , and even led to the remarkable ability of Your Subconscious Mind you that has not been utilized .

Jessica Method merupakan penemuan dari Master Saiful Anam. Beliau adalah seorang Hypnotherapist, Guru Hipnotis, Mentor Pengembangan Diri, Peneliti Potensi Bawah Sadar dan penulis buku 4 Jam Pintar Hipnosis serta Mudahnya Berpikir Positif.

Sekarang adalah saatnya Anda mengenal dan menerapkan Jessica Method untuk keuntungan diri Anda dan manfaat bagi orang-orang di sekitar Anda.

Jessica Method adalah metode penciptaan Asisten/Teman Imajiner dengan sengaja. Yang mana Asisten/Teman Imajiner ini merupakan perwakilan dari potensi yang ada di pikiran Anda sendiri. Asisten/Teman Imajiner yang Anda ciptakan bisa berwujud sesuai dengan keinginan Anda. Fungsi atau kemampuannya pun bisa Anda sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda sendiri.

Some people have a form of Assistant / Imaginary Friends of his body and face famous artists. There also are given a form such an admired figure. But there is also a form of twinning give yourself. All of it is up to you. In fact you can create Assistant / Imaginary Friends is more than one.

This method is called Jessica Method for the first experiment, volunteers were used for testing named Assistant / imaginary friend by the name "Jessica". Inspired by the beautiful artist name Jessica Alba.

You also regulate the function of Assistant / Imaginary Friends you create. Some people take advantage of Assistant / Imaginary Friends her just to be a friend to chat, discussion friend, a friend in solving problems. Some are making it as a "friend" in a very personal affair and help a variety of activities that allow to be done by the Assistant / imaginary friend. And some use it to help the process of psychotherapy, metaphysical experiment, experiment supernatural abilities, and so on.

The realization Assistant / Imaginary Friends This can only be seen by yourself or by someone else using the same Jessica Method. Although this is the result of the imagination , but a manifestation Assistant / Imaginary Friends that you created you can see with your eyes open , you can feel her touch , can you

Uniquely , Assistant / Imaginary Friends you make are always subject to printah you. She only appears if you ask and he just did something you ordered . Essentially you are the masters of Assistant / Imaginary Friends you create.

What are the advantages Jessica Method ?

  • Simple - It's easy to be practiced even by a layman .
  • Permanent - Assistant / Imaginary Friends is yours as long as you need .
  • Free number - you can make more than one Assistant / Imaginary Friends .
  • Can be removed - you can simply delete or edit settings.
  • Controlled - Just come , go and act with your consent .

In addition , this method is very safe Jessica . And guaranteed not to harm mental health . Unlike the perewangan or similar spirits can harm your mental health , Jessica Method always contain the joy and excitement of being part of yourself that is projected to the shape you prefer .

What are the results of experiments Method Jessica ?

  • Remote Viewing - Aligning the eye with Imaginary Friends to see objects that are unattainable views
  • Parts Therapy - Imaginary Friends turned into vice portions themselves are having problems and are ready to negotiate to be reconciled .
  • Out Of Body - previous experience of consciousness out of the body with the guidance Imaginary Friends
  • Sending Dreams - Deliver content specific to a person 's dream

Some examples are the result of experimental reports about 36 people the owner Jessica Method today. Each man reported the results of different experiments and varied depending on the initial setting Imaginary Friends ability when the manufacturing process .

Some are from the beginning intended as a complex figure and multitalented , and some are just making Imaginary Friends mediocre without additional capabilities in the settings . You can also participate and become one of them now , enjoy various advantages and uniqueness of your personal version of Jessica Method .

Testimonial People use Jesicca Method :

Jessica Extraordinary Powerful Method .. !

When you first install Jessica I 've been able to see, feel and hear Jessica me clearly , even my friend who clairvoyant can see a clear manifestation of Jessica I make, although I did not tell him what I create. Only one word to Mr. Saiful Anam and Jessica Method is : ' GREAT !!! '

| Jhon - Reiki Master and Practitioner Hypnotherapy

Befriend By Yourself

I am a person of his crowded , lonely and can not always want to have friends that do not , may I have a full 24 hours accompanied by my friends though ... Jessica I was the one who accompanied me a full 24 hours non-stop , in the ups and downs , happy and sad could be reminders , encouragement is also a counterweight to myself ... and the more remarkable Jessica is a part of myself .... Regards outstanding

Meilina Dwi - Practitioner Empowerment

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