How do you find your zen?

in #life8 years ago

Lately I've been struggling to find the perfect outlet. In other words, I have more negative in my life than positive and I can't quite find the way to balance it all out. One of my goals has been to set up a greenhouse and grow my own vegetables and stuff. But my current living arrangement isn't conducive to that. Which is sad, because I believe tending to a greenhouse would give me the peace I need right now. Just a quiet place to get away from it all. Focus on something that matters, rather than worrying about what doesn't. Hope that makes sense. As always, I welcome your comments.



My favorite way to get back to where I want to be is to be left alone while I watch trees blow in the wind (with or without some soft music and a fresh cup of black dark roast french press coffee). My wife recently started a garden and a day or two ago I went to water it and I got almost as lost in holding the hose and tending to it as I do watching branches sway, so I totally get what you mean. We're hoping to get a house in the next couple of years and there will totally be some sort of greenhouse on our property. Green thumbs unite!