Steemit is blooming, Altcoins are up and Bitcoin is awakening.
Can you feel spring in the air?
Every day my life consists of Steemit, working on BitGate, and trying to keep track of the amazing developments that are happening in the cryptoeconomy. At the same time I am trying to align my life to awaken to the truth about our individual and common consciousness.
I deeply believe that we are all conscious intelligent beings who strive towards the same fundamental truth, expressing the same fundamental essence - each in our own unique way. This is not something I say out of some misplaced romance, but rather something I have come to through a lifetime of scientific investigation, philosophical reflection and spiritual inquiry into our fundamental nature.
Whatever way one comes to realize these truths - a deep relationship, a meditative retreat, a relentless drive for self-improvement, or a silent awe in the face of nature and our universe - we all come to the point of trying to integrate our deepest truths into everyday reality..
But it's not easy. Everyday reality is gritty and often harsh, and we can’t always control how we feel or react. We go through the motions, often automatically, without reflection - only later realizing we might have acted out of alignment with what we wanted deep down.
The situations we find ourselves in is often not of our own making. We can’t decide the circumstances we were born into, the decade we were born into, our particular genetic makeup, and innumerable other things that condition how close we get to living in our ideal living space.
We can all share in the insights of the seasons, and the ushering of spring as a sign of the times we live in. This is the promise of a greater richness for each individual to create their own ideal living space, to grow and express our fundamental essence each in our own ways.
The New Dawn is written in the global interconnectedness and exponential growth of information-technologies. If the internet was about the coming together to share information, the cryptoeconomy is now at heart about a Coming Together to share Values.
The dominance of pure information without values has become noise that confuses and leads us astray. Centralized media sources manipulate the public into believing in false controversies and dichotomies. Pundits and hacks will say anything to get attention as any PR is good PR.
Luckily, with the emergence of the Internet of Value we now have decentralized, transparent platforms like Steemit, Synereo, Augur, Gnosis that link the expression of information directly to tangible values like reputation and predictions made with real stake.
This will create a whole new class of global citizens that can earn a living and get reputable for being honest, speaking the truth, and making accurate predictions
Make no mistake. It will not be an easy road. The scientific, philosophical and spiritual truths will still be suppressed by the dominant status quo who are afraid of change, and obfuscated by the the pseudoscientific, dogmatic, and cynical who have lost their way.
The difference now is that the truthful youth of tomorrow will have the power of interconnectivity, collaboration and exponential technology at their fingertips, while the resistance will stutter and lash out blindly with no lasting force.
Hope You Enjoyed This!
Great read, need to sharpen my focus from the noise!
Thanks for this positive post! I love the season of spring, it's getting warmer and everything starts to bloom - and just like you said, cryptocurrencies are blooming as well right now!
The lovely rhythms of life :)
Beautiful! Full bloom ahead!
Thank you :)
I am on "a relentless drive for self-improvement", so I absolutely relate to what you've shared here. It's very easy to forget what I've learned or forget to apply it day to day. However, Steemit and other people in my social network and larger community frequently remind me -- through their words and actions -- that I am not alone on this quest and that there are others leading the way to a better and brighter future. I am very thankful for that.
I'm nervous and a little pensive because I wish I had more of all of it... because I know how valuable it's going to be soon!
So true and so encouraging!I am so glad I joined this community, and hope it will raise in future as well! Nice photos that match this post, too! Upvote and follow :)
I was introduced to you from a post that stated that you were one of the highest paid on steemit so far, I wasn't expecting anything so insightful, wonderful post.
I am still trying to figure out exactly how crypto currencies work and how they could potentially change. I had a complicated relationship with money for a long time because of the power it has over people and the terrible things they do because of it, many of those terrible things built into the currency itself. Now, I have a much more optimistic view. I am going to focus on doing what I do and I trust that if I do it well, the resources will come. By leaving channels open to make money, I will be in a better position to help others achieve their own dreams.
I'm wondering, what is going to stop the rich from using the influence they currently have to dominate the new world of crypto? What is going to stop the space here from being flooded with writers who are working for companies with their own agendas, drowning out the voices of regular people who just want to share ideas? And what is going to keep the regular people from becoming competitive and focusing more on how they can make money with the platform than sharing real value? I don't ask out of cynicism, but out of genuine curiosity.
I started here a week ago to share my writing and brainstorm about building community but already found that a lot of the users who receive a lot for their posts are people who invest money into their account and others who are good at using taglines to draw people in. I find that posting my best material right away might be a waste of a good post because I am still looking for followers. Then I start to make strategies about how to reach the most people in the shortest amount of time and then I stop myself and say "wait, that's not why I am here". I see a lot of people in that boat though. That's not to criticize anyone here, I think the majority (including many of the high paid accounts) are good, sincere people.
So if you or anyone else who sees this knows of any good explainations of why the same problems of the old world won't be repeated in the new one, please share with me :-)
And this reply became much longer than I planned, maybe I should make it into it's own post.