If we are created, the meaning of life is simple to evolve true free will, since it cannot be created by default. Anything created will exist out of the will of another, and act as created to act. The creation must forget and deny it was created and return by free will :)
Your assumption is that the creation was the will of another.
But if all spirit (the force which acts) is one, or many yet linked as one, and the essence of energy, and all matter is energy in formation, which formation or pattern dictates material attributes, like impenetrability, then all new spiritual pockets, i.e. all living things as we know them, are created by that one spiritual entity, which is comprised of all spirit and therefore there is no entity separate from that which does the creating, bearing in mind that the true meaning of the word create is to organize, as in organizing existing energy/matter into alternate forms, since energy and matter cannot be destroyed or come into being but only change state. Hence there is essentially only a self creation or reorganization, ad-infinitum.
Any word would do really since its not possible to convey on a mental level, that would guide the creations and defeat free will. Start and end is the same yes, so it is reorganization, but creation out of existing things are equal to reorganization, and everything has and will always exist.