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RE: Well today is Canada's 150th Birthday. Here in Canadastan the government fails humanity daily but TEAM - Together Everyone Achieves More. Like on STEEMIT. A FUN Overview of CANADA for you EH?!

in #life8 years ago

Wow Barry, just wow. Just out for a rip are ya bud?


IDK how else to reach you, so I am putting this here knowing you are on vacay and hopefully not on a device too much!!

Everything is red, and STRATIS is on sale, one of the biggest drops out of the Top 20 - currently sale priced down at -15%, figured you may know all this, may not being AFK - you are solid to me, a good human, here you go:

Hope it helps if you are out of the loop a bit!!! LTC you like is not down as much at all, best value may be get some more STRAT..... STAT!


That is very cheap imho. Hope I'm not wrong.

I hope so too LOL!!!!!

  • I cannot get off my blog as much anymore, I am sorry man.

How is your trip going?

I am trying to do life and steemit and look for updates, in replies when I can.

I hope well!!!!!

What did you get me? What ???


I saw a fox and a bunch of dogs when hiking, the fox got away and the dogs had people attached. Honestly it's the first time I've been around family in a long time that's felt good. I have a ton of pics to share, but mobile uploads are rough. I shared some from the hike earlier! I'm trying to find you a new moose.