Personal Development: Life is like the changing seasons

in #life6 years ago


The world is full of trials, adversities, and long jumps. Most are going to bring you to your knees and test your faith. There are times you find yourself on the losing side. And the usual question you keep to yourself is:

What did you do wrong?
I did everything with all my resources yet nothing is working on my favor.

The answer to that question is:

"NOTHING". Life is set-up like that, sometimes you lose.
Be not afraid, because it is not the only side of the coin.

Remember that we all are experiencing day and night. Life is like that, we all have our mornings and dawns. We could consider our mornings as our achievement, our triumphs and all the good time's life has to offer. On the other hand, we all do experience our own nights. These are the dark times. These are those times when all our plans are not working and our prayers are long.

Treat all of this experiences that come in our life as a gift. We are all born with it from the moment we first open our eyes in this world.


Life is like the changing seasons.

What ever situations you are in right now, "endure" because everything will change at some point in time. Just like the changing seasons, it will take its course without delay or failure. To back up this statement, just imagine, do we experience winter the whole 365 days of the year of our life right now?

No, it does not happen and it never happened. We are experiencing winters season, summers season and in some part of the country fall and rainy seasons. So be of good cheer. Things will change in your life. Drastically!


Live life in full.

If life is like the changing seasons, it just goes round in circles?
What can we do, in order to maximize our seasons of life?
Do I still have enough time to carry on and welcome my life summer seasons?

These are such valid questions. For those who are experiencing difficulties, these questions are the hardest to answer. When doubts and fear engulfs our lives, these are the questions we tried to avoid. For those whose hope is diminishing, these questions are not important. But stay with me and let us counsel together.

"Life and business are like the changing seasons.
You can not change the seasons, but you can change yourself.
Therein lies the opportunity to live an extraordinary life,
the opportunity to change yourself."
- Jim Rohn -

In my opinion, the above quotation can help us eas our worries and fears. These can guide us on how can we improve our life and push through our current situations. I believe it states a simple truth and a solution to our problems. And perhaps answer some of the difficult questions we dare not to answer. I might be wrong, but I think that the answer is to improve our selves. Innovate and search for things to help others. Learn some new skills or help your young ones finish their home works.


Here is another quotation that will cheer you up and will give you hope. Spend some time to read and fonder the words. It will be better for your physical health and also spiritual strength. This one is from the "Holy Bible":

Matthew 6:34
34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

I hope this article shed some light and simple joy in your life. In addition, I am hoping that this brightens your day (or night) where ever you are. Life is a changing season so enjoy and make every season memorable. It doesn't matter if the road you are right now is a rough terrain. There will be smooth roads on your journey.


Remember, endure the winter times and be of good cheer!
Be blessed and be thankful on what you have. Because someone, somewhere there is somebody in a hospital bed, praying and asking God to give them a longer life.
A priveledge gift which you currently enjoy.


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