Can we really help the next generation or is it to late?
For 21 years now I've been reaching out to people trapped in the lifestyle of drugs and addiction. We at Extreme have focused on the next generation for the last 15 years. Before that I spent 6 years helping addicts out of that lifestyle. Thats when I saw a big need of people living in low income neighborhoods and unprivileged kids being taken advantage of. So thats when it was time to start Superkids, a program to build these kids up so they would choose the right path and say no to the life of drugs and crime. Well it's been amazing to see this program evolve each year.
A fun slip & slide pic :)
Camp is coming fast and I'm reminded of the very large need to make a difference in these kids lives.
Can we make a difference? YES WE CAN! Most of the kids from the first year of Superkids have graduated and are in college now. It's truly amazing to see that we can help people make better choices and live a really productive life.
Meet Chelsea who has given me permission to share a bit of her story. I met her at 5 years old at my BBQ outreach and she started coming to superkids every Saturday. Her family was a mess, she was living in a terrible situation with little hope. We worked with the family the best we could and no matter what Chelsea was there at the BBQ's every Wednesday and at superkids every Saturday. As she grew up she became one of our junior leaders and then became one of our main leaders. She is the first to graduate in her family in the last 3 generations and is now on her 3rd year in college. Working with kids :) I'm so proud of her and the many other Superkids that are doing so well. Chelsea knows I love icecream so she brought me that bad boy yummmm so good.
At this time we are raising $25,000 so all these kids can come to camp. 95% of these families can't afford camp so we do what we can so know kid is left behind. Thank you steemier's for making a difference in the lives around you :)
Very good idea. I am supporting you with this 😂
For being awesome.....................
Beautiful .. wonderful words
What one needs is a real goal for his life
Well done, for more creativity..
Wow! This is breathtaking and of course, commendable.
Kind regards.@cliffpower you're doing a great job. Bless you!
Thank you, My wife and I love working with the kids and watching them grow into amazing people. Thanks for your encouragement and for that..............

(Smiling!) That's lovely. Honestly, they are amazing set of individuals to be with.
Forsure :)
Wow this is amazing, you sir are a rarity these days. I congratulate you on all the success you’ve had and I wish you well on your future projects. Thank you for making our world a better place.
thank you
It's a great job Many congratulations and thanks for dedicating your time, help these children who really need it.
Thank you, Have a great day
Thank you for fulfilling your God-given calling!
Amen brother
Wow good great job @cliffpower its really amaxing to know..
Thank you It's always exciting
Yes is always exciting and happy when you have the heart of giving..God bless @cliffpower.
It's amazing what you're doing! There's always a way to help other people and I think it's great that you focus on kids and give them a chance to improve their lifestyle! The story of Chelsea is stunning, she looks so happy and she can be very proud of herself :) It must be great to see them growing up and becoming someone they always wanted to be :) Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, yes it's very rewarding and amazing to see these kids grow into their full potential :)

Congratulations brother, when I see people like you ask me, what would happen if we all have an initiative to help those most in need, to invest in those who do not? you know, the world needs more people like your congratulations and many blessings from VENEZUELA
Thank you I see someone else likes ice-cream. Great pic Thx for the encouragement and for that..........

Realmente si muchos dieran de su aporte por una buena obra, el mundo seria genial. Y no hablamos de la parte económica.........en principio es cuestión de amor y el amor desata toda las demás buenas vibras de las que estamos hechos todos los seres humana, solo hay que activarlas !
so true
Excelente necesitamos muchas personas así! te felicito.
I wish I had something like this around when I grew up. Kids need an active body to ease their active minds. Anything is way better then drugs.
Drugs can seriously ruins lives and relationships. More seriously, death. I think it's amazing when people like you, put their hearts out there, when others can't; even worse their own family wont.
God bless you and all you do. There is a special place for people like you, who things for others so selflessly.
Yes I agree. I didn't have this either. Thx for your encouragement
I know it's absolutely shocking. I was watching the news last night and just in my county alone last year there was 115 people who died because of opioids. Just imagine the hardship, pain and suffering left if most these people had children.
This is a wonderful project, this is exactly what the world needs, every day thousands of people only complain because "the current generation is the worst in many decades" without realizing what was the cause of that tragic desancadenamiento. Without embergo with complaining nothing is solved, and it is just this kind of project what makes the difference, I am filled with great emotion when reading this type of post, in my opinion you hit the spot, children ... Take them out of the vicious circles that turned their lives without them deciding so because they are what they are, are children. Supporting them is the way out!
Excellent and thank you for the encouragement. It's a gift to serve these little ones. And so much fun
Diversion + Aprendizaje una combinación perfecta para crecer. El ser humano esta diseñado para hacer y dar mucho. Animo y a seguir adelante.
I am really impressed about your program. Everybody deserves a second chance in life, no matter what their background may be.
Thats forsure, Have a great day
That's a fantastic thing y'all are doing. I wish I had something like this growing up. Y'all keep up the good work and keep giving them kids hope.
Thank you we will keep up the good work, your a simple girl doing the best you can. Keep doing your best and because of that............

Hey friend! Long lost how have you been?
The post is very outstanding , super hero for super kids! Very important you shared with us here. I hope everyone will be ready to reach out to the kids too!
Honestly, I must commend you for your selflessness and for the part that you are playing in making the world a better place for everyone.
Thank you it's very inspiring
Very effective and necessary program for people who grew up in a bad environment and can not find themselves in society. I am very glad that there are people who deal with such problems. Thank you.
Thank you
Fantastic post friend congratulations
thank you
I think this is effort is the most honest trustworthy charitable efforts I have seen on Steemit. I am sure there are others for sure but for me this one comes without a doubt.
thx If we do a little it brings transformation
Wow. This is such an inspiring story. I am so glad that there are people who dedicate their free time for such noble causes.
Thank you :)
Thank you for your service. I feel like people like you should be held on a similar level as veterans who fight for our counties. People like you are fighting to give people quality outlooks on life and deserve recognition. Keep this up!❤
Thank you :)
May good bless youYou’re doing an extraordinary job @cliffpower.
thank you
It's so admirable how you dedicate your time and efforts to help the less fortunate. I must commend you for your selflessness and for the that you are playing in making the world a better place for everyone.
Thank you it's a lot of fun
Your post was mentioned in the Steemit Hit Parade in the following category:Congratulations @cliffpower!
Looks like you are really impacting the next generation with your great effort! Great job! I believe you can contribute nice articles to the @steemiteducation as well. Quality articles do get upvotes from @steemiteducation! Cheers! Upvoted and followed!
Thanks and have a great day
look so happy
they are :)
Aww great post✌
Thanks to people like you, who help make the world a better place😌
Already upvoted, resteemed and followed👍
Thank you
It's so admirable how you dedicate your time and efforts to help the less fortunate.
"We rise by lifting others"
You're an amazing person, stay awesome!
Great quote, Thank you
Good job man. I couldn't stop looking at your ice cream, lol. Was it good? 😂😂😂
We can help it together. thanks for this article.God bless
thank you
Excelente post y muy gratificante tu trabajo, bendiciones de parte de Dios por ello, que bueno es trabajar por los que son el futuro de un país...
Excelente gracias
You are doing a great job. So much sacrifice.
Hey thank you
Job well done @cliffpower... U are so kind, I wish I could work in any of the department in your community
Thank you
Great Job, my gratefull thanks.
Thank you
This post was spotted by @theluvbug and has received a 100% upvote. Be sure to share the news of @theluvbug with your blogging buddies - and remember to keep a look out for our daily posts where you can share your links for upvotes and resteems :)
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Thank you
Wow!!! This is really humane, philanthropic and amazing
Great work @cliffpower
yes you are absoloutely right...
I appreciate your thought....
keep inspired like this..
It's amazing story!
Thank you, it's amazing
Thank you, it's amazing
wow @cliffpower amaizing story and amaizing way to help people. Congratulations to everyone who work day by day to make a change in our humanity.
Thank you it's very rewarding when I see these kids do great things
Thats a wonderful program, its not only getting an upvote, God will bless you also for helping the kids of our generation, its not easy, i appreciate what you are doing ,keep it up
Thank you and God Bless you to
I was a camp counselor for 5 years. Love your photos here. Yummy ice-cream. Camp transforms lives, especially kids. Thanks for sharing.
Hey right on so you know how much fun it is :)

So for being a counselor at camp................
It so heartbreaking to know that there are kids out there who really love to finish their studies but can't because they lack in financial support. I'm very glad to read that there are people like you who are very much willing to help.If only I could help financially I would but I'm only a student as of now. All I can do is to pray that God will give you more power to help those children in need. Godbless!
Thank you and God Bless You to
excelente ¡Es increíble lo que estás haciendo! Siempre hay una manera de ayudar a otras personas y creo que es genial que te concentres en los niños y les des la oportunidad de mejorar su estilo de vida. La historia de Chelsea es deslumbrante, se ve muy feliz y puede estar muy orgullosa de sí misma :) Debe ser genial verlos crecer y convertirse en alguien que siempre quisieron ser :) ¡Gracias por compartir!
Excelente Grasis
I have a kid of my own, so nice to see you are doing this and it would be nice to help other kids also, we will do our best to help other kids.
Great, it only takes one. Thank you
Excellent . this is praiseworthy
its really a great initiative, in order to do something for out kids and new generation we have to work together with the family
great job @cliffpower
Thank you we can all make a difference
Addiction is a big calamity and many innocent children around the world are in bad conditions because of parents addiction. Thanks for the post, it is our duty to start a campaign against addiction.
Thank you, I agree
What good work are you doing @cliffpower with the children of the future, I congratulate you. Children must be in constant activity so that they do not think of anything that could hurt them. Hopefully you can save as many children with addiction problems. Thanks for such a nice job.
Thank you, You are so right! And for that............

Have a great day
This post has received a 22.19 % upvote from @boomerang.
I want taste your ice. It look very yummy
great job vote up