Today is International Women's Day. How is the situation of women on Steemit? Who knows?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Today is March 8, it is International Women's Day.

I am not the first to mention it. I already saw a message from @lordoftruth and @meanmommy33 about the same subject.

I think it's good to have this day, but to be honest, it's sad that we still need such a day.

Women make up half of the world's population, globally they do more than half of all the work on this planet, but get paid less for the same work. In countries outside the western world, and even often in the western world, women are considered less valuable than men.

There is still a lot of exploitation of women, think of Eastern European women who are being exploited in sex houses in Western Europe, Filipino women are being exploited as housekeepers in countries in the Middle East, In more than one country, girls even little girls are being raped etc. etc.

These are terrible examples of women exploitation, but less radical examples can also be made.

In my country, the Netherlands, there was an article in the newspaper about female professors today. There are only a few countries in Europe where fewer women are professors than the Netherlands. There are also very few women on the board of large companies.

It is true that in the Netherlands many women prefer a 'three-day work week' instead of working full-time if there are children, but also if no children are involved. It is a choice that they make and that is how it should be. But there are more than enough women who are able and willing to work full-time in managerial positions. I think the 'old boys' circuit is still very strong.

How is Steemit? In my opinion, women are in principle as appreciated as men on this platform. But, I'm curious, maybe Asher (@abh12345) can you do some research for us? How many women are over 70 (and I do not mean age!). How many women did a speech during Steemfest 1 and 2? How many women are a witness? Everything compared to the male numbers of course. Without knowing the facts, I think I already know the answer.

Of course, I do not blame the men of Steemit. We all have the same opportunities and I think that the technical aspects of a witness etc. are more interesting for the average man than for the average woman, but it remains a striking fact.

So my conclusion is that there is a lot to be gained for women worldwide and for women on Steemit. Do not complain, but act and do the best you can. Here on Steemit at least (although that is my interpretation) we have equal opportunities !!

I wish you all a beautiful women's day!

Picture from Pixabay


Merci Clio pour ton article et tes souhaits.
Personnellement je trouve que la journée de la femme nous rabaisse. Elle donne l'impression que nous sommes des êtres fragiles, sans défense, alors que nous sommes tout le contraire.
Les femmes du monde entier sont fortes et volontaires et ce sont les hommes qui font courir le bruit que nous sommes faibles. .
Dans certains pays ils usent de la force envers les femmes mais c'est tout simplement parce qu'ils ont peur, peur d'être à l'égal de la femme.
La religion catholique à donner à Eve le pouvoir d'entraîner Adam dans le Péché.... ne cherchons pas plus loin!
Et j'imagine qu'on peut retrouver cela dans d'autres religions!
Un jour viendra où les femmes auront apaisé les hommes et il n'y aura plus de rivalité.

You are right, we are strong in many ways. I wrote, and that is really true, that women do more than half of all the work worldwide.
But it is still true that there is more violence from men to women than vice versa. Often men are physically stronger and they think that makes them superior. But:
"The soft forces will certainly win in the end." that is what one of our famous poets, Henriëtte Roland Holst. (1869-1952) wrote and I think that that will be the case.
The Roman Catholic Church and all kinds of other religions prefer men to women. But even there I see light at the end of the tunnel, and it can take years, but I think religions will appreciate women more and more.

Interesting reasoning about the role of women in the work. I completely agree with you. My Congratulations on the Women's Day.

Thank you!

Happy women's day friend.Yes ,you are absolutely right ,that we have equal rights,but still now due to illiteracy and ignorance women are victimise greatly in countries like ours.So , I think we should unite together to make them conscious about the oportunities of economic freedom for them.Thanks for the great post.

You are so right! Economic freedom is very very important for women!

As Mahatma Gandhi once said “Woman is the companion of man, gifted with equal mental capacity…If by strength is meant moral power, and then woman is immeasurably man’s superior…If non-violence is the law of our being, the future is with women…”
Today, there are women who don’t even know the rights and the advantages given to them, whereas, on the other hand, there are numerous cases of women who are flouting these rights unabashed. To all these women I would like to plead that they do not let the struggles of the women of the past go to waste. The history of achieving a simple thing as a right to vote, actually shows how indebted we are to these heroic women who had the guts and the fierceness to stand up to against the entire world. And it’s about damn time we also look to bring about change in our society out of mere respect for them.

You mention an important point. It is very important that we never forget the heroic women who fought for us, for the right to vote, for the right to study, for the right to be the boss of your own belly etc.
Thank you for reminding us.

Yes we woman are for sure undervalued as in terms of the major steemholders. But as you say, I think it is a direct result of how the community started (techs/investors)

There is enough spave for everybody here on the platform, and to be honest: I think gender will not matter at all here if you write a decent blog.

I totally agree!!

It is a sad state of affairs when we need to have a day set aside to recognise women's contribution to society. We as humans have not progressed as far as we would like to think. Perhaps the day will come when we don't need special days set aside to recognise contributions to society. Everyone, regardless of sex, creed, colour or poitical affliation will be treated fairly and equally.

I hope that day will come soon!

I never knew about womans day really,
untill my Hungarian boyfriend, who brings me flowers on this day every year, I am Dutch like you, but the men here really don't seem to care a lot, at least not the ones I was around all my life.. anyway, yay us ! 😊🤗

Yay us, that's the spirit! And 'hoera' for your Hungarian boyfriend. It's nice of him to give you flowers on the 8th of March.

First of all, I want to sincerely congratulate you on the 8th of March! Interesting post. You are right, we are all equal, the main desire.

Wow!,thanks to your post!just mindbloing nothing to say!

well i think they are doing great job on steemit and they are working hard people give value to them ...

Happy women's day

It's not about a day we must appreciate the presence of every lady in our life daily. Our sister, mother, colleagues, friends they are the most caring people when we need them and most frightening when we do something wrong.

happy women day .i really love it in the form my mother

anywhere @clio. has 7 days does not make posts, but I am always waiting for your post.