Back when I ran, sounds like it was an eternity, but back when I ran... I struggled with my brain when I ran. It was either my greatest ally it my worst enemy. It could only work as motivation, so internal goal setting, if it does anything else, I would be done. I couldn’t even listen to music because I would end up sing and lose my pace. That and my singing annoys other runners.
I had similar feeling when I would run like dating but I think my feelings were that of the poor girl across from me, like “ what the hell have I got myself into.”
Good job on the 25k!!! Keep it up
You killed me at the singing part 😂😂😂👌 fuck dem other runners;) they’re supposed to support their fellow runners:P I get butterflies in my stomach each time I go for a run aha pretty epic feeling . The mind is one heck of a thing eh! Can either be our best ally or worst enemy:P
Thanks so much 💜💜
I don't know. My singing can get bad at times. It can be bad for me sometimes to experience.
haha I love it! you annoy your own self;)?