
Saint Paulite here. That was a great storm today! Reminds me of the good ol' days up north.

Yup! I know a lot of people are exasperating by the snow, but I moved to MN (in '04) knowing and expecting winters, so I feel cheated if we don't get a few of these each year.

it looks beautiful!

That's a decent snow, alright! It sure makes everything look pretty! It wouldn't seem like winter in Minnesota if you didn't get much snow. Maybe you can make a snowball cocktail! ; )

I was going to make a joke about "foraging" snow, and then I got to thinking about a foraged cocktail -- and I actually do have some bitters that I made from dandelion and spruce tips - hmm... I'm not going to try to ferment and distill spirits from foraged stuff, but one could forage all the flavorants...