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RE: Soup of the Day

in #life4 years ago

Verbal ratatouille!

Oh man, Limewire, that's some ancient stuff for people! Lol

It's really sad that we live in an age of cancel culture and so much anger, echo-chambering and rage that people just take to the internet and Fakebook to try and seek revenge on their fellow humans instead of having, you know, that old fashion 'words' stuff.

It's pretty crazy what people will demand from the safety behind a keyboard, in suburbia. I'm not in the thick of the battlefield myself but I've lived a bit more on the edge than many that try to decry things that happen. Life is hard, but we can't cancel it simply because it gets a bit more real than we see it on the tube.

I hope I can raise our son well enough that he will be able to stand on his own in a difficult situation instead of running away and hitting the keyboard in anger or ptotest.


I used to make bank fixing computers for friends after they downloaded viruses. Always porn. Always the red face to go along with the thank you. Good ole Limewire...

Part of raising this gen z crowd is recognizing the fact their friends and devices also play a huge role in raising them. I have two kids. For the most part this new generation develops a thick skin, recognizes this crybaby crowd for what it is. The tides will turn.