
where do you live?
what are you eating/breathing?
good lord.

i kind of agree with your general point but I don't think there is much most people can and will do to avoid most of the "toxins". mainly because most people are hopeless in this respect. ie. eating at any restaurant, NOT EXERCISING, etc.
i can guarantee your house is full of "toxins". look, you have vinyl siding. you also have a fence directly above your pool. is that pressure treated wood? so every time it rains the chemicals are going into your pool? how do they react with the pool chemicals in the water? see...toxins everywhere. impossible to avoid them. don't even get me started on the furniture in your house, all solid hardwood i suppose?
also your video would have been much more helpful if you gave us your idea of solutions to avoiding "toxins". perhaps a part.2 is in order?
anyways, sorry for you loss.
best of luck!

Great idea for part 2...they all lived in very urban areas in California