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RE: How much money can you make from crypto collectibles?

in #life6 years ago

the shitcoin apocalypse will be upon us soon, this will bring many for the hurt "investors" back to a final round of trying to get themselves out of the hole, it's going to be fun to watch if you


exactly the reason you should go in to what makes the most sense in crypto rn, which is collectibles or even other related projects

I think marketplaces could be what does it, you can never tell what is going to hapen for individual collectibles, if you believe in the space in general take a look at, solid concept, token usecase and partnerships

speculations are going to get burned, the liquidy for them dried up with all the stupid money

sounds about right to me, unless you think we are up for more price losses, you should be putting more into actual projects with real usecases

it's a long hodl,but it's gonna be worth it, the future always takes time to arrive

I don't know who in here is left for the long run, but this is where it's at

a lot of uncertainty, the meme triangle on bitcoin hasn't came to be yet, resistance is seems to be holding the price at the 6k mark, everything is dependant on how bitcoin trades with the whole bakkt thing

I'm pretty scared of the meme triangle tbqh, I'm preparing for the worst, a 1-2 year bear market.