I sprained my back over a week ago

in #life7 years ago

I sprained my back over a week ago.
In the lumbar vertebrae area. I never realized how painful it could be and how long it takes to heal.

If you knew me you would know I have a very high pain tolerence. So when I was told I sprained my back l a little over a week ago I figured I would only be in pain for a few days. Boy was I wrong. I could barely make it through Sunday School. And in church I almost lost it.


I think part of todays pain was from the long ride to the Early Learning conference and sitting in those metal chairs all day. It is very frustrating to me because I walk everyday and not being able to do my normal things makes it extra hard. I haven't been able to plant any seeds exept the seeds the children planted at school and they did everything for them.

It is hard to know how pain effects our everyday life unless you are going through it. It makes things you enjoy doing harder to do. Our different ages also makes our healing times different. At 59 I guess I am one of those people who it is going to take longer.


A sprain actually takes longer to heal than a broken bone because it is "soft" tissue. Hang in there! It will get better. You just need to be patient.

I am tring to be patient. I had to buy slip on shoes because I couldn't tie my tennis shoes.

My back didn't heal until I stopped taking Anti-inflammatory's. Try Acupuncture , light stretching, foam roller or Hydro Message.