My life might be boring to you but is really what it is.
I teach at a preschool and my work day is not over when I clock out. It involves doing lesson plans. I do a lot of research on what I want to do with the children and making sure what I want to do with them that I have all the items needed to complete the lessons.
I also do container gardening on my patio and need to take care of my plants. These plants help reduce my food cost even if it is just vegetables every little bit helps. If I am lucky I have extras I am able to can or freeze. When it is the weekend I like to going shopping and buy fruits and vegetables to can and freeze. I also buy meat from a resturant supply store that can be frozen and pressured canned. I also go grocery shopping every 2 weeks.
I also do most of my cooking from scratch everyday. And this is all by my own choice. I like knowing what is going into the food I make each day. This takes extra time each day with my cooking. I also hand wash my dishes no dishwasher here and I do my laundry in the apartment complex laundry room.

I know the things I do sounds silly for some people that live in a apartment. But I figure it is my life and I should do the things I want to do and the way I want to do them.
I applaude you for your work with the preschoolers. The future is in your hands. You are helping to mold the minds of the future leaders. You have one of the most under-appreciated and most important jobs in the world. It is most unfortunate that people like you are not paid like professional athletes. Your job is much more important than a bunch of grown men running around chasing a ball. One thing for sure is that working with preschoolers will keep you young. Great post. I think that you are as valuable as any rock star in the world.
Thank you so much for your comment. I even teach the 4 and 5 year olds to grow vegetables from seeds and it does keep me young.
Teaching in preschool is by far the most rewarding and most challenging teaching experience I have had. I was a state athlete for swimming, we trained twice a day, 7 days a week and that was easy compared to my short, challenging, but super rewarding preschool stint. What you are doing is awesome, you are the child's first and most memorable teacher. My daughter comes home every day and tells me her favorite person is her preschool teacher.
You would not believe how many people think being a preschool teacher is just being a baby sitter. These people do not know what we are actually doing in the classroom and that we are actually teaching the students in the classroom.
It's funny, they want teachers to teach and yet see them as baby sitters. I have no idea how that logic works sometimes. That being said, keep being awesome, I'm sure the children are super blessed by you.
It's not all at boring or Silly ! I am glad you are comfortable enough to share what you do and live the way you want, just as everybody else should be free to do !! I find it fascinating to meet so many different people and ways of life here on Steemity. Keeps things interesting as opposed to boring, don't you agree?
Yes, I do agree. Things get very interesting around here.
I really love your post. Such a unique and honest account of being your own homesteader regardless of where you live. You are accountable and that is what is so important. I was thinking I was not doing enough to call myself a homesteader and you have shown me differently. We live rural and partial off grid. We make our own bread and yogurt. Eat farm fresh eggs and organic as much as we can. We have berries and apples in our yard and eat local caught fish. Water is from a well and we heat 80% with wood. I thought I was not doing enough and I see that we are. I thank you for your take on the subject. Also keep teaching those special little people they are our next wonderful resources to mankind. They are the ones that must fix this world we leave to them. God Bless You
Thank you. It is not how much you do but what you are doing.
My mother was a teacher, so I know how important a difference that makes in peoples lives, some much more than others.
I have also seen exciting and boring, and exciting is not always mean good or better.
If I was forced to choose I would take boring.
My main interests on here are art and photography, but I am also interested in some of the homesteading ideas.
Thanks for your post and look forward to following you.
Following you now… Although I know that sounds creepy.
nice post
We've been viewing things this way lately: we may be 'on-grid' plugged into the 'subdivision', but we are trying to generate a homesteading mindset and become more self-sufficient. Especially doing things at home, rather than outsourcing them to other products or services. We make our own babyfood, we cut our own hair, we make our own yogurt, we don't live on frozen pizza and ramon noodles, we garden, we do our own lawn service and yard maintenance, we educate our children, we learn basic medical practices, we stock ingredients in our pantry. These are some of the things we're practicing doing to maintain our suburban 'homestead'. It's the best we can do right now. @ironshield
great take on this subject. I agree with you. It is all in the ways we are accountable. To ourselves, our families and our welfare. We live partially off grid. Make our own yogurt and bread, eat farm fresh eggs, purchased locally and fish caught locally. Organic when we can. It has become our mindset. We do not eat fast food, always cook from scratch and grows berries and apples. We outsource nothing unless its absolutely something we can not fix. It has become our new mindset and we are always so thrilled to find like minded folks.
It makes me happy to hear that people are doing what they can to provide for themselves.
The thing is doing what you can do with what you can, I spent 30 years as a certified nursing assistant and I am still cpr certified. A good first aide book is important thing to have. It is going back to how I was raised on a small scale. Only I have no cows to milk or pigs,chickens or rabbits to take care of.
to me your life is not boring , its actually fun , you have a great school job and adding to that an after school job that can get you some cash or even prevent you from spending more, this is double income if you view it from my own side of view,
you have a great job and life ma'am.
Thank you @chidberreegbo
no problemo , we should always be thankful to the Almighty for giving us life, all other thing can be achieved , have a nice day.
oh i nearly forgot {happy new year in advance}
You are a great role model for the children :) My mother took extra time and effort to do things by hand like washing dishes, sewing our clothes, etc. When I was younger I thought it was silly, but as I am older and have some more years behind me I have finally learned to appreciate her for all her efforts to be more sustainable, frugal & thoughtful. Kudos to you for living your life with meaning and I am quite sure passing on good morals and joy to the kids!
Thank you. I enjoy what I do. And the children I teach are learning to grow vegetables from seeds in containers too.
As an elementary school teacher myself, I completely understand the workload that you are referring to. It is intense! I applaud you for your efforts with your students, staff, parents, administration, all the grading, lesson plans, sleepless nights, and the occasional emotional stress that you probably endure. It's a tough job, and not for the faint of heart. Thank you for all that you do to contribute to our future generations!
Thank you. I don't think anyone but another teacher can really understand what teachers actually do and go through.
Thanks for sharing. It's the small simple things that make a life richer and more healthier.
Since I bought a bread maker I have not bought any store made bread for over 4 months!
Really want to get into gardening and permaculture next. Might not have enough room for chickens but more than enough for fruit ,vegetables and herbs
I don't have a breadmaker but I make bread from scratch once a week. All you can do is what space you have to things in.
You are happy and that is all that matters. Have a wonderful year.
Thank you for sharing about your personal life to me :) Appreciate it
And there is nothing wrong in all that! You do what ya can where ya can with what ya can...
To me it is important to me to do what I can.
Molding the kids around you, teaching them about food and gardens, yup as valuable as a Mother!
Thanks a lot @weetreebonsai
Just speaking the truth!
Your life is very nice. You make everything beautiful. You are very happy. Thank you very much for sharing with us the excellent article.
Your life may be different to some others but that does not make it boring in the least
Great job with your little garden as you say every little bit helps