12 things that will have to be done before we can dramatically change the world.

in #life8 years ago (edited)


So, I am going to assume that all of us here on steemit are of a similar mind; we want to live in a world of peace, prosperity and harmony.

We do not want our ways of life to be obstructed by some third party which sees itself as a higher authority, and we do not want to see people suffer.

We want to embrace this coming golden age and create a new world which has absolutely nothing to do with a nefarious “Illuminati”.

Yet in order for us to develop a new world order, we will have to solve some pretty big problems that will hinder its development.

Below I will explain 12 things that will need to be set in stone before we can implement this new world.

1) Getting money out of politics.

The legal act of lobbying limits the ability of politics to be effective.

It puts people into politics who are just corporate puppets out for their own greed, and transforms good-willed political activists into disregarded floor dust.

Since politicians are supposed to serve their communities, this creates a huge imbalance between what the people want and what actually gets passed as law.

In fact, a study at Princeton university looked at nearly 20 years worth of data to answer the question “Does the government represent the people”?

It showed that the likelihood of congress passing a law that literally the entire populace supports is the exact same likelihood as congress passing a law that literally 0% of the public population supports. (30 %)

What this means is that whatever is passed as law is 100% due to corporate interest.

This is further illustrated in the below video.

The problem with this is that corporations usually aren't interested in preserving the natural ecosystems of our planet, maintaining equality, or even fundamental human rights (such as the right to live and to live free).

Corporations pollute our oceans, skies, and forests, disregard human and animal life, fail to see the consequences of their actions, and care only about their bottom line.

If we want our children to live in a safe, peaceful, and enjoyable environment, then we must eradicate lobbying and infiltrate political practices.

When the people eradicate the capitalist oligarchy that rules over them through the siphoning of energy (money) , we will transform a dictatorship that is posing as democracy into real democracy.

2) Overthrow the central banking systems.


In the words of libertarian / activist Ron Paul: The purpose of a central bank is to deceive and fraud the people.

The idea and belief that our money has to come from a central authority is what allows that same central authority to manipulate markets for their own gain.

Central banks literally have the authority to change the value of a currency by printing more money; as the money supply inflates, the value depreciates.

As they do this, they profit from the world's debt.

Since the Federal Reserve was created in 1913, the U.S. dollar has lost 96 percent of its purchasing power.


The fact that the value of the money you use for everyday exchange is determined by a central authority means that your entire life is controlled by the decisions said authority makes.

And the fact that money isn’t a commodity in itself - but a means of exchange - brings into question if its value should dramatically change at all - or if its value should be maintained at a certain level.

Having central banks controlling the currencies of the world only allows the possibility of poverty and - in extreme cases - slavery by impoverishment.

The value of money shouldn’t be determined on a whim based on a centrally schemed agenda.

Monetary policy should be implemented only because it works for the best interest of all.

We need to remove such institutions from our lives and create communities of prosperity primarily through the natural abundance of the earth, and secondly through more advanced modalities such as natural trade and crypto currency.

The easiest way to do this is to not bail out the central bankers and to lookout for the common man's wallet.

3) Enforce and reclaim our own communities; take back the power that the system stole from us and transform food deserts into thriving ecosystems.

Have you ever heard of the Black Panthers Party for Self Defense?
If you haven't, I wrote an article about them a while back.

In a nutshell, their mission was to protect, enforce, and determine the fate of their own communities.

The genius of this is that - if implemented successfully - there is no outside force controlling the fate of said community.

It would be a form of succession in which the community colluded with state (povinc.) and / or federal jurisdictions to create sovereign independence for themselves.

This would mean that said community would be run and organized ONLY by natural members of said community; through actually fair democratic means (no money).

The advantage of a sovereign community which enforces and protects / cares for itself is that certain laws that are disagreeable with said community would be eradicated and would not need to be enforced.

Said communities would naturally be based on a libertarian foundation: meaning that the only rules would be to not harm anybody in any way.

If a certain member of said society were to harm an individual or the entire community in some way, his fate would be generously decided by the will of the community as a whole in a court like manner.

Cases would be based solely on damage done vs ability for redemption.

Outside members could only be accepted into the community if they applied to be let in and met said criteria.

The most observable advantage of sovereign communities are that corporations would not be allowed to operate within said communities jurisdiction: land wouldn't be fore sale at all.

Without corporate (or third party government) influence, the people of the community would decide what was to be done with their land.

For example, if there was a vacant lot in the community, and somebody decided to turn it into a food forest, they could bring the matter to the people of the community in a court setting and the community could vote to easily implement this idea.

4 ) Create people's courts, where judges and lawyers are public servants. Eliminate unnecessary laws and use block chain based voting for fair democracy.


We live in a world that harbors unfair courts.
Where juries can be completely fabricated and judges can be bribed.

We live in a world where big money decides the laws and where voting has been proven in many cases to be rigged.
A world where public servants work against the public interest, and often for a higher order

In such a world, we need to create fair courts by eliminating the possibility of unprescribed payment to public servants,

By creating a separate court for the people of said community - run by the people of said community - to maintain order in said community and to challenge and work against higher courts in the event of necessity,

And by using block chain based voting to ensure fraud - free democracy.

Ensuring this makes sure that the people look out for the people - and that corporate politicians do not pretend to look out for the public while working against them.

5.) Eradicate borders; move back into community model rather than nation model.


We are all one people.
We all share this diverse landscape that is mother earth.

Once upon a time, free men were free to travel globally, for no conglomerations of force calling themselves nations owned such vast spaces of land.

What was owned was free to visitors without the use of identification and border security - for the most part.

These days, everything is owned, and everything is seen as separate from everything else in the view of the dianetic.

Yet as we awaken into an ever-deeper state of oneness , and as the power returns to its rightful place in the hands of the people; we will no longer have reason to allow such fearful separation to control us, as it is unnecessary.

Without a need for separation, we will eradicate borders.

Eradicating borders will allow for free travel for all men, women and children.

The only spaces of land allowed to be closed to the public would be sovereign communities.

6.) No more presidents / PM’s - anarchy combined with limited but necessary democracy will be the new model.

In my eyes, presidents/pms can be seen only as two things; gang leaders and C.E.O. 's.

I see them as leaders of a government party who work for corporate interest, and not for the people.

Presidents / PMs don't really have the power to change the way the world is run - even if they want to.

The only thing that can change how the world is run is the will of the vast majority.

As discussed previously, I feel that as humanity begins to break away from the systems that have a chain around our throat, we will naturally move towards an anarchic type of society - where everything is based on choice.

The only rules being what a community decides is absolutely necessary to allow for everyone's safety.

Simultaneously, there will most likely exist limited but necessary democracy.

This would be things like a public vote on what to do with public space, etc.

Instead of having one man/woman decide what is necessary to spend our tax money on, we will all just keep our tax money and work politically to change what we want to change as individuals.

7.) End the war on drugs, reform policing laws and regulations.

Police are only necessary in a society where the “leaders” are at war with “citizens”.

In a society where the power is usurped by the people, police would not be needed.

The only thing that would be needed would be light security, to protect citizens in the event of nessesetiy. However, this would not infringe upon any rights of any people, unless ABSOLUTELY necessary to ensure public safety.

Police are essentially an extortion service, and they collude with private prison corporations to continuously lock people up for money - and not for public safety.

In the creation of a Utopian society, if police where needed at all, they would live off of salary and would not get paid from incarceration: they would get paid extra money only when jails are empty.

Simultaneously, there would be no war on drugs as drugs do not harm people, only people do.
The problem with addiction is not drugs, but addiction.

It is better to create a solution to the "mental" "illness" that is addiction than to outlaw drugs that people will consume whether legal or illegal, as this creates a black market and invites violent crime into any community.

8.) Complete and widespread education reform, as well as significantly more tools available for homeschooling.


The reality of our education systems is that most of the world uses education as a means of indoctrination rather than true education.

Our education systems do not prepare children for the world they will inevitably face, nor does it teach children how to learn, think or plan.

School only teaches bias history, dry math, and basic science and ABC's. Schools no not take into account the individuality of each child and how they learn.

The school systems in north america have not been changed in over 50 years.

Yet with the rise of the internet, an individual can learn at their own speed, and at their own discretion.

The biggest problem with the education system is that children should be allowed to learn what they want, with basics such as math, science and literature being mandatory.

As we begin to develop the new world, it is inevitable that new education systems will rise to replace the incoherent systems.

One example of this is home schooling, sometimes known as hack schooling.

The benefit of this alternative is that Children can learn what is mandatory, yet also what they want.

This video illustrates how the school system is dead focused on children being trained to become a career, while blocking out all the other path ways and destroying their creative intelligence.

In the new world, there won't be a need to go and work some career for the rest of your life....but there will be a need for people to get educated in a variety of ways and on a variety of subjects and actually make a difference.

9.) No more private prisons or corporations owning or having a share in public utilities or public rehabilitation systems.New prison model is based on rehabilitation of the soul.

Our current prison models look to entrap the soul and freedom of an individual by trapping their physical body and restricting them in every way....and through some preposterous notion, this is supposed to lead to rehabilitation...

At least, the official script says so.

Prisons and rehabilitation facilities cannot be run by for profit corporations, as this leads to complete disaster and does not rehabilitate anybody.

Instead, rehabilitation of the future will be based on rehabilitating the soul - as all souls are able to be rehabilitated.

Such rehabilitation would consist of techniques such as providing value for society through cleaning up nature and planting trees, through meditation, and through a variety of other healing techniques including anything from sex-magic to raising a dog to taking ayahuasca...whatever works.

10.) Redesign our cities.

Our cities are currently widespread chaos.
Energy structures -such as pyramids - used to synchronize harmony do not exist and everyone is out for themselves to get this thing we call money.
When I think about the energetic structure of the average city, the word Gridlocked comes to mind.

There are too many people in the average city and with the lack of a good energetic layout (the geometric design of a city), the energy is chaotic.

In the average city space is not used wisely at all, and as a result food isn't free, there are more buildings than parks, there are too many cars, and too many people.

We can resigned cities to be voluntary based, eliminating the NECESSITY of currency, while still having it as a means of exchange for luxury and creative means. We can redesign our cities to be car free, more allowing of nature, with a building limit, and with a certain geometric design.

Doing this will allow the city to provide the needs of all the people: the city will be self sufficient.

11.) End the reliance on nuclear and fossil fuels; New world = new tech = embodiment of completely free energy.

Contrary to popular belief, science tells us we have the solution to bring forth completely clean, and even 100 % free energy.

Energy is naturally pulsating all around us.

Everything is made up of what some people call "source energy", and what I call the force.

some people also call this energy "Chi" , "orgone" or "Prana" energy.

Tesla talked about an energy called "scaler" , energy.

All of these words describe the same universal energy that is running through everything, and is in fact the very energy that everything consists of.

These waves constitute a kind of ocean of infinite energy, and it has now been discovered that this abundant energy can be coaxed to pour into our 3-dimensional world from their 4-dimensional realm, to be used to do work, provide electricity, power all transport, and even heal the body of almost all disease. This is the new world of scalar electromagnetics, the zero-point energy, the energy of the absolute nothingness which existed before the world began.



We can harness this energy through natural processes to create a new, clean and free way to source electricity.

This has been known for decades, but heavily suppressed by big oil and nuclear tycoons.

12.) Humans born free.

In our current world, we are born into debt; the birth certificates that most of us have in constructed societies confirm this fact.
We are born into a debt issued to us by the central bankers who control the societal matrix which controls everything.

If we were not born into debt, we would be born into the natural abundance of planet earth; the land and the trees and the fruit of the earth would be free to us. We would be born into freedom; not slavery.

Humans would not have to buy land for extremely excessive amounts of money in order to be free; as they would be born into a free world.


As the world continues to progress, and as more and more humans begin to evolve in consciousness, many systems that are currently needed will become unnecessary.

Simultaneously, as these systems collapse, we will have to begin to build new systems.

It is of the absolute most importance that these systems be designed extremely carefully and with humanities Utopian future in mind.

We will have to create a world worth living for; and we will have to implement all or most of these changes before we can begin to create this new world.

Image sources: 1, 2, 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8

Thank you for your loyal attention


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Reject rule by force, keep working, stop paying, and nearly all of the problems go away.


There is nothing easy about creating a new world that is not based off of slavery and destruction...at the same time, since it is the most natural progression, it IS easy...

Yet still, it is counter-productive to over simplify things.

We have to look at all of the challenges,

And completely redesign our lives and the societies we live in.

Personally, I think the best way to freedom is the creation of soverighn communities.

.....p.s. ..... what do you mean by you want to keep working? Do you mean you want to keep working a job for money (even when it becomes useless as a commodity in itself) , or do you mean keep working towards what you want to create?

What do you mean by reject rule by force?

Is war really a viable solution?

Thanks for commenting.

Always keep an open mind :)

World Peace is one of those cases of: well, I wouldn't be starting from here!
The influence of the US has, I am sad to say, been of overriding negative effect ever since the birth of the Federal Reserve.
The UN was invented to protect the world's poorest nations and is now a weapon to threaten exactly those nations: look at the case of Syria.
The West is educated to distrust Russia in the same way as The Middle east is educated to regard the west as infidels and deserving of Jihad.
The empowerment of the poorer nations and the empowerment of women are the two agenda items at the top of my list.
Great post, as ever from you, my friend. Namaste.
PS, would love to see your list of favourite posts from steemit.com from the beginning till now.
Your history of Rap is one of mine for sure.

YES! it is all a catastrophe but we - as higher consciousness - have to isolate ourselves from these powerful forces and create what we want to bring forth in the world and then there will be more balance.

What we can do is stop supporting these systems with our taxes by finding a way to live off the grid and get rid of our straw-man.


Ah....I will take it into consideration!


To be sure, it was not a history of rap (even though it was) but more of an article on how hip hop can be political.

I believe it has a huge impact on changing how people think.

Btw, if your interested in living off the grid, check out Hemp adobe homes,


Thanks my friend.

I am having a little difficulty gaining too much traction right now as there is so little activity with the Rewards Pool situation - I need some examples for people to follow - if you were able to suggest a few posts - I need just a handful of even 2 or 3 to create a live example.
That would be brilliant. Muchas gracias! Sorry for getting the wording a little skewed - but it is still one of the most memorable pieces I have read. Some of @krnel's pieces are also stuck in my conscious.

No worries!

Hmmm.....so like to suggest what good content is?

Here is the format - and I would like your approval as to the way I have described the post. This is a good example as it is a long post and includes a lot of video; all the links have to be copied and pasted - it took me 5 minutes in total to prepare the longest possible article:
Example of Suggestion.png

This is certainly interesting and I agree thinga need to change. However, humans are imperfect. I genuinely believe whoever carries out the 'overthrowing' will need to be overthrown within 100 years. I don't think a perfect system exists, it just isn't possible

Ah....I agree we are unperfect...and I do not think the current system needs to be overthrown!

We simply need to design new systems of living that does not interfere with the natural processes of nature nor hinder the natural ability of each man to be free.

I believe the only way to perfection is through realizing imperfection and continuously perfecting it.

Yet our current society doesn't change...doesn't experiment...it just stays the same and that will be its demise.

Very true!

Great article, all valid points.
Please read the following...


i'd like to see it change for the better with folks embracing self ownership and self sufficiency :) imagine...


However, this content is meant to make people think, as is all my content.

Self ownership is the only way to change your own world, which eventually reaches out to change other peoples worlds.

I appretiate your imput :)

Awesome as ever :)

Thank you for sharing.

Great job! Thank you for sharing. Follow you

Hey sweetie, not sure when you'll be on again, but since you are in this milestone post, I thought I'd give you the link so you can check it out when you are :)

2.) Currency used to be fixed before - to gold. That didn't turn out so well.
5.) Long time ago people travelled freely, like the Mongols, slaying whoever didn't look like part of the community. We still need borders to protect our interests. Different countries have different communities with different rules. Uniting them all is a recipe for disagreement.

12.) We are born in debt indeed. There is no greater gift than being born, so we owe our existence to the world, to our parents to begin with. Although monetarily, you are dependent on them, not in debt. Instead, your parents are, because they had to buy a house with your first ever bedroom. 11.) That is pseudoscience. Check this: http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Scalar_wave.

  1. No it didn't. BUt now we have cryptocurrency and I think it is the future of currency. - after all, money is just a means of exchange, you can use anything as money, people just have to want to accept it.

  2. I think , as humanity collectively ascends in consciousness, and the ruling elite fade away, we can learn to live as one and enjoy the benefits of a free world; which means accepting some risk.

  3. It is definitely not pseudoscience, but reality. What you are reading is misinformation; think for yourself and ask yourself what is really real. Energy exists all around you, unseen. BUt it can be tapped into. Why do you think meditation works as a method to raise ones frequency?

  4. Our existence is not owed to the world, but to ourselves. We owe it to ourselves - and only ourselves - to live free. All of what you say is true; but I ask you to open your mind and ask if poverty is truly necessary, or if we have to be born into debt.

As for parents, the debt is mutual, for many reasons.