Care for some goosebumps?
Watch this.
If you have ever done this - made eye contact with another person for more than 5 seconds - you will know that this is one of the hardest and most vulnerable things to do.
How often to we really look in the eyes of another person?
How often do we truly connect with a stranger?
And now imagine doing this for a whole minute!! You have no idea how long minutes can be ;)
At first, anyway. It does get easier.
Why is this so hard?
Because it brings up all sorts of things for people - fears, (self)-judgement, embarrassment.
But the bottomline is that we have to overcome our ego, and realize that we're all the same. If we were all able to do this more often, we'd have peace on earth instantly. So let's consider this a much-needed practice :)
We're all made of the same atoms.
We are all made of the same basic fears.
And we'll all get to transform them a little bit in just this one afternoon.
To some people this might just be a silly experiment.
To me it's an active transformation of fear into love. An active increase in frequency.
We need frequencies to be a little higher than they are now, don't we?
Give and receive the gift of truly feeling seen
Sharing eye contact for more than a moment is the simplest (not easiest) way of making someone feel seen.
To feel seen is our most basic (social) human need.
- We leave our partner when we don't feel seen anymore.
- We quit our jobs when we feel that we're "just a number" and nobody notices or sees our talents and contributions.
- We start wars when we don't feel seen and respected by the other party, so we see no other way than to demand it by force.
So many issues in personal and global relationships could be solved if we just stopped a minute and assured the other party, "I see you. I hear you. I accept you. I respect you."
Problems can be solved so much faster from a place of togetherness than a place of separation, competition and against-ness.
Does the idea of a "staring contest" feel weird?
If you've watched the video above, I guess you've noticed there's a difference between a staring contest and this.
You may experience a connection you've never experienced before with a stranger.
You will feel truly seen, and give another person the same gift at the same time.
All you will feel is love and sameness and oneness in the end.
And you'll probably hug more people in a single day than you've hugged all year! :)
So, what better way to raise the global togetherness-energy than with such a simple yet powerful event?
I'm in!
What about you?
Register for the event in your city
This is a synchronous event that happens in many different locations all around the world on September 23.
I just signed up for the event in Berlin.
You can check here if there's an event near you, and if not you can register to host one! After you registered, you'll receive more info and access to a facebook group.
Let's create a force field of love that will dissolve all lower-frequency energies in an afternoon! :)
love love eye contact ...
working with elderly people with dementia I often make contact through looking them in the eye. very often they start connecting,opening up instantly even if they seemed to be somewhere else before. they sing along, clap a rhythm, speak, smile. it´s like sending a wake-up-love-call :)
Wow, yess!!