Life is an immense topic of discussion, and not to mention, quite controversial as to how the origin of life first began. There are a number of theories that have been proposed, many of which seem like they could, in fact, be true.
It must have all started when some sort of replicating entity arose. Something that was considered as roughly equivalent to--what we know of today-- as a gene.
We know that it is genes that are passed on to the next generation of life, so it makes sense that life probably began-- some 4 billion years ago-- with an entity quite similar to a gene.
There are countless life forms today. But the real question remains, 'Does life exist elsewhere?'
My conjecture is that there is, in fact, life elsewhere in the universe. We are like a grain of sand in the grand scheme of things. The Milky Way Galaxy alone is estimated to contain anywhere from 100 billion--400 billion stars.
There are estimates that 100 billion galaxies exist in the universe. So it's almost unfathomable to wrap our heads around, simply based on the fact that there will never be a time in our generational existence that space exploration will reach a magnitude necessary to know the answer to this question.
Now, I'm not saying that space exploration isn't important or necessary-- it is very much so. What I mean is that the universe is so vast that it is highly unlikely that we will ever uncover whatever it may be that is truly out there.
Sure, maybe one day we will be fortunate enough to discover another entity which exists, but it will have to be in the Milky Way Galaxy. Unless that is, the entity itself travels to us.
Whatever life forms may be out there, I would be willing to bet that they follow suit with what Charles Darwin discovered back in the mid-1800s. Darwinian evolution has to be one of the greatest discoveries ever made, at least in my opinion.
Evolutionary theories were always such a tossup, but Darwin was able to pinpoint exactly how genes enter the next generation; an unbelievable discovery at that point in history.
If life really does exist elsewhere, then wouldn't it have to revolve around something similar to DNA? We don't know the answers to these kinds of questions. Most everything about this topic is purely educated hypotheses and conjectures based upon life on planet Earth.
It would be crazy to think that in a universe with some 1 billion trillion stars and billions of galaxies that we would stand alone.
There has to be life elsewhere, don't you think?
if you see discovery science, the question "does life exist somewhere else too" is a past, now the current question is "where does it exists?"
there are 11 billion earth like planets which are revolving around their own sun.
plus recently in november two planets were found which most probably have habitual climate too! :)
I feel as though the questions who, what, where, how, why and does still truly apply. We don't know if life exists elsewhere. There are clues pointing in this direction, sure, but until physical life forms are identified, then these questions are still very much fair game. However, I do feel as though the 'where' question is of the most significance importance when it comes to existence of life, as you mention.
Where do we look? More accurately, where can we look?
I wholeheartedly believe life does exist and we're really only just scratching the surface. However, I don't believe another life form like us humans exists, I don't know for sure but I think humans are an accidental anomaly. When I think about it, it makes me feel quite small and lonely knowing we're floating out in the middle of nowhere, an accident that might never be replicated ever again.
I think life exists elsewhere in the universe, but not as some people would hope. Bacteria and microscopic forms of life are out there and we just discovered water on Mars. It's easy to fall into the trap of believing life means being human, but even here on Earth, we share this space with billions of living forms of bacteria and life that cannot be seen.
I agree. I read something earlier today that really caught my attention: the ocean covers 70% of the earth's surface, yet 95% of it remains unexplored.
This goes to show just how vast the universe is. We have yet to discover 99% percent of what is truly out there (just on planet Earth). It's crazy to seem that humans would be alone, but I think you are right-- whatever life form(s) are out there-- they are definitely not humans.
Well I can tell you one thing, Astronomers used to analyze structures and etc in the end, they analized one big cluster of maybe round about 100 galaxies like our milky way for. This big cluster took 1/4 of the entire existing Universe. There might be an exoplanet why not, image dinosaurs using their counting system to analyze stuff.
In other words, life exists and functions elsewhere. . . I agree