For most people success is measured in terms of material possesions - how much money do you have in the bank, how nice is your car etc. But for me a huge part of success comes down to quality of life. Career satisfaction is a big one - I studied marketing and started to work in that area and wasnt happy (although I probably could have earned alot more money) and retrained as an early childhood teacher and havent looked back!
The way I look at it as that we are only here for limited time so why spend so much of that time chasing money and possesions - to me these arent that important. Sure there are going to be times in life where we will struggle with money and that can be stressful - but id rather this than spend my whole life chasing something that wont generate happiness for me
A Ferrari would be pretty cool to own though. Chase on! 😏🏎
LOL I guess it would be nice but in the scheme of things it wouldnt make me happier - just faster :P
laughing! very good
:P Glad I made you laugh !
It is a good outlook and a hard path in some ways, the only real path in others :)
So much of the world is dictated by our ability to purchase including health and education which means there has to be some kind of balance found. Maybe it shouldn't be this way but, it is currently. I hope that we can do our part in changing it a little to be more about human growth and less about impression of advancement.
Thanks! Yeah I agree there does need to be a balance - and sometimes it comes down to being able to manage the money you have and prioritise where your money goes.