
Taken in the mouths of so many nobles and commoners, majestic enunciation for life. Souls, Some full of long-suffering and others overwhelmed with ignominy. Taken by so many bards, filling with feelings every nascent expression of their wisdom. "My soul, my treasure."

immerse myself in erudition I ask once more, oh soul that dwells in me. I do not crave under any circumstances to aberrate my senses, I do not wish to exchange knowledge for fallacy.
It could not be determinant, based on other theories, I have learned from you, "Oh my soul", to discard my discernment, that based on my existence I can give faith. It is not my desire to oppose the concept that abounds within me. Immortal you are for me, I do not intend to emulate you with the spirit, this affects my faith. Oh, majestic and eternal moment, I ratify your absolute immortality based on life since the world was called as such. Oh incorruptible Alma Mia.