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RE: Big Cypress vs. The Everglades

in #lifelast year

Hmmmm, I have had two "how bad can it be" experiences with swarming, biting bugs, and I am not sure if there is a way to make it any less bad unless you wear a mosquito net outfit head-to-toe and even then those bastards will find a way in... but what doesn't kill you goes down in the record as a thrilling experience! I say, give it a try!!


If I feel like making a six hour drive to get eaten alive, maybe I will give it a go this summer. Ha. There are lots of varieties of thrilling experiences, for sure. I hope your current one has many non-itchy ones.

My current journey includes sitting on my ass on my couch eating salad while reading your comments... not much itching happening lately except when it's time to wash my hair.

I need more adventures, itchy or otherwise, but waiting for the credit card bill to go away all by itself doesn't seem to work.

I hear you. Well you let me know when you are ready to itch and I'm sure Florida has something to offer for you ;)

Hehehe will do!