Aw....grandkids are the best to cuddle. And I'll bet you feel a fierce protectiveness for him - this world seems a lot more dangerous than when I was a kid - or else I see things differently.
The driver/murderer, belonged to a club of men who hate women because of rejection. There seems to be clubs everywhere now where people gather either online or in person to protest something but they turn into hate groups.
When I saw the photos of the people who died and read their biographies I cried. I heard witnesses talk about what they'd seen and some of them could hardly speak. I wish these men would see what they've caused before another one decides to copy. I wonder if they like the control they have over the masses, the victims' families, the witnesses, the first responders, etc.
See how much power they hold? I'm still talking about it on your beautiful post about your grandson, second hand toys and puzzles. Let's enjoy these wonderful babies and their innocent smiles and hugs.
Have a lovely weekend @clio.
Yes, the protectiveness! I am more afraid that something happens to him when he is in my care than with my own children. In my dreams, he falls from the stairs, escapes my hand and runs across the street. I hear that more grandmothers have those dreams. By the way, the world is indeed more dangerous, we could play as children on the street and went to the swimming pool by bike. I do not see that many parents now allow their children the same freedom. I can understand it, if you just watch traffic, that is so much heavier nowadays.
I do not think the men you are talking about have a conscience. It does not matter to them how many people they hurt. It is incredible how much grief they cause.
I wish you a lovely weekend too!