There is a whole new "breed" of steemians who fall into this category
If we are only scrolling through Steemit articles, not engaging with people, and not upvoting posts then our time spent is no better than being on Facebook.
I am amazed at the numbers who comment everywhere and don't upvote anyone except themselves mostly. Are there new rules somewhere that suggest this kind of interaction?
I treat Steemit like an investment first, social network second. It's not a pay to play platform but everyone who comments on a post really ought to invest a percentage to the poster. Otherwise they will become known as mooches for receiving comment rewards on the backs of those who put the post out.
Now that I have that off my chest :)
The time part of Steemit is tricky. It's easy to let the day get away with you if you don't watch it. I know some people are on here pretty much all the time and it's their life and priority.
I try to keep it to a minimum. I post. I reply. I read, comment and upvote and then I'm off. And you're it. I'm off now :) lol
Have a good evening Lydon!
I agree! If someone comments and doesnt upvote, I just ignore it as spam. If someone comments and upvotes, I try to comment back and even do a small upvote.
Hurray, team @old-guy-photos!!
Lol, bravo!
As John said, I think you covered it all. :)
I almost never like stuff on facebook and I usually only comment for humor - I use facebook only because of the chat feature to stay connected to those of my friends that don't use Telegram.
On Steem, on the other hand, I feel really productive when I comment and upvote other peoples work. I like the atmosphere much more around here and I feel that people actually care about comments and votes - not just for financial reasons.
I joined Steem for the investment aspect, at first, but there is so much more to it - at least on my opinion.
That's great. Being productive feels good. Nice to meet you :)