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RE: Submission or complement?

in #life7 years ago

excellent teaching the LORD is clear in his description of marriage more when he states that the two become one spiritually spoken spiritually Satanic satan used to carry marriages in disagreements infiltrating selfishness, greed, greed, and other things that also operate in the destruction of marriages today but we have a great advantage that we believe that JESUCRITO is the author and finisher of the faith and through his name in constant prayer we can transform the twisted into the straight the unfaithful into faithful and the basis of the saviduria is the patience cry to me and I will answer you design the LORD I apologize if I left the comment but I have problems with my wife and I love the attention you pos she is in another country looking for work by the country where We live and as the problem gets stronger, I decided to separate and it was not easy for me but the Word also designed what GOD unites, separates it thanks for the moment ... .