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RE: The Start and End of All Things

in #life8 years ago

I have mixed feelings about this one. Im all about living the moment and enjoying what Im doing, but the truth is that the present moment only IS because of everything we've ever done in the past. So, we can't just think about the present moment without thinking about the consequences of what we're doing. I think, that the answer lies, as it does for most things in life, in balance. Yes, we should take in the smells, enjoy the thoughts, the people, the sights, embrace being alive and understand it, but also being conscious that we want to enjoy future present moments. I think that if I live my life thinking ONLY about the present moment, it will be a life of procrastination, not fulfilling my dreams, and only doing things that give me instant gratification and not necessarily good things in the future. Remember, someday the future will be a present moment.


I'm not denying those things. I accept that I must sometimes preconceive. Apart from saying that perfection already exists outside of the creative process, I'm also saying that it takes the cultivation of a positive attitude to live more intensely each moment. As by doing so not only are fears, doubts, and negativity in general lessened, but that freed up energy allows my positive desires to manifest in a smooth fashion.