Ingredients Of Happiness

in #life7 years ago

For most of us, the ultimate goal is happiness. And why wouldn’t it be? I strongly believe that in the end, what’s most important is who lives a happy, healthy life, not who has the most cars or who is more famous.

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These are the first 5 ingredients necessary in the recipe of happiness.

Do something for those around you

Small gestures can have miraculous consequences for those around, and for the one who makes them. The satisfaction you’re feeling after you’ve helped someone in any way brings you happiness and health.

Always connect with others

In our days, when technology promises a solution to every problem, human interaction has become optional. But the energy and warmth of a spirit, of a human, hasn’t been reproduced yet but artificial intelligence. That’s why we need each other to be happy.

Do some physical exercise

Taking care of your body through a good diet and any kind of exercise is necessary if you want to feel well. Sport stimulates the production of endorphins, the hormones of happiness. Also, I’m sure you’ll be even happier when you’ll see that you’re in a great shape and that you’re healthy.

Live in the moment

Living in the past, or even worse, in the future, is a sure road to unhappiness. If you believe that you’ll be happy once you reach a certain weight/amount of money/destination, you’re denying the happiness that has been given to you up to this point. Think about it, you were once dreaming of what you have today.

Do something new everyday

Stay curious, avoid monotony. Feed your mind with new experiences everyday, even if this only means to take another road after work than the usual, to try a new flavor of ice-cream or to read something that you wouldn’t normally read.



Really nice post...all the points are really important to lead a happy and healthy life.

Thanks Universalpro

This is awesome! How does it work?