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RE: Are you an 80's kid??

in #life8 years ago

So many people are contributing to the post and adding things that I am slapping my head at thinking oh my god how could I miss that. I loved your comment thank you for taking the time to read and comment on this post I truly treasure comments like yours.


We all missed something in the past. What it counts is what WE DID and what WE LIVED!
So, it were be so nice to live so many moments, but we do lived other beautiful moments and others dont... and so on. That's why life is beautiful.
We must remember all the good things and live the moment. Not the bad things.
Also, we are from different part of the worlds, so differencies are big.
Sharing our past is the best thing from time to time to bring that good smile on our crunchy faces,. hahaa.

Glad to see how many people reacted here.
gg to all and maybe here it will be another history too... 4 sure it will be in anyway

Great post and yes I agree its nice to see so many people all over the world sharing the same interests.