Driving on a road with tons of bends and a tunnel was always my highlight as a child. I loved watching the majestic mountains rock formations, the ocean crashing against the rocks and the plants.
Sani Pass, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
This magnificent, breathtaking but fearsome pass a is situated between Kwazulu Natal and Lesotho. It was built in 1950 and is scheduled to be upgraded in 2019 from a dirt road to tar. It is best suited for 4x4. It is elevated 2 876 above sea level and about 21km long.
Chapman’s Peak (Chappies) Drive, Cape Town, South Africa
This is a breathtaking, picturesque 9km winding drive from Hout Bay to Noordhoek, in Cape Town. It is 593mabove sea level. Part of this route is used for the Famous Cape Argus Cycle Tour and the Two Oceans Marathon. There are 114 curves along this drive. Construction started during the First World War in 1915.
Furka Pass, Switzerland
The Furka is one of the world’s most iconic mountain passes, situated in the Swiss Alps. It was built in 1867 and is a 6km road at 2 419m above sea level. The sought after Belvedere Hotel and Rhone glacier is on this pass.
Guoliang Tunnel Road, China
This tunnel road is located in the Taihang Mountains of China and the only way to the village of Gualiang. The villagers got tired of being isolated from the world and in 1972, 14 of them decided to dig a 1 200m tunnel which took them 5 years.
Tianmen Mountain Road (The heaven's Gate), Hunan, China
This is one of the most beautiful mountains in the world. This road has 99 bends and leads the world’s longest cable car ride. This road is 11km long and 1 300m above sea level. Construction started in 1998 and it took 8 years to finish. There are 999 stairs you need to take to reach the peak of the mountain.
The Atlantic Ocean Road, Norway
This is one of the most beautiful road trips in the world with its 7 bridges taking you to the ocean’s edge. It connects Averoy with the mainland via a set of small islands over 8.4km. Construction started in 1983 and opened in 1989 after a series of European windstorms. This road is a cultural heritage site.
lol first one looks like impossible to drive
Have you seen the pass when driving out of Prince Albert, South Africa. It is as scary as it is breattaking to drive. Since only one car fits on the road and therr are just a few places where one can pass the other cars.
Wow, tanyaschutte thank you. I will have to go make a turn here. I did both Sani's Pass and Chapmans Peak many years ago. Would like to do all 3 and take my own photos. Have a wonderful weekend.
You will enjoy it. There is one in the Drakensberg to on the side of little switzerland but I just cant remember its name now
With hyperlooop and underground tunnels wand flying cars we wont need roads anymore lol
It is funny, we were driving back home from a two day break at a Hot Spring and I said the same thing to my sister but nothing can beat the experience of taking these roads and soaking up the beauty.
I am smiling. Reading. Upvoting. Writing. Thanks for the post on passes. I love driving passes. The Montagu was the one I did most while my days living close to George. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montagu-Pass
Those are some great rides! My two cents is The Road to Hana in Hawaii, it's one lane part of the time. I also like the drive from Denver, Colorado to Grand Junction, CO just for the sheer beauty of it, especially in the winter! I just had a friend do Furka Pass on a motorcycle and he said it was fantastic! Thanks for this post!
Agree with you markvance and thank you so much for sharing this with me.
Kako bih zeleo da mogu da se teleportujem na nekom od ovih prelepih mesta. :)
So beautiful photos!
@crazymumzysa Amazing paths, and breath-taking view!
Thank you very much someonburke, I love the first two but would love to go and do the others.
Those are all so beautiful, but not going to lie ... the Atlantic road bridge I'd have to take a big fat pass on.
Now, that is the one I would truly love to go on plus the two in China.
Amazing pictures. The roads look unreal. Strange to build it like that.
I was also amazed when I saw Sani Pass from aerial view, while driving it feels quite different, you are so busy soaking up all the beauty around you that you pay very little attention to the curves of the road.
I can imagine this. Nature is great. If I drive I would see only the road. Safety first. ;-)
WOW , really sick roads there
I can only tell you the top two are as I have experienced them myself but exploring the others will be a dream come true.
Those are some beautiful winding roads, I especially love the one in Kwa Zulu-Natal . Thank you for sharing :)
Pleasure practicaleric. Are you from South Africa?
No, Iam actually from Kenya.I live in Nairobi the capital.
Exciting places. That's just a pity that they are very dangerous, but the photos created in those places are worth a lot. That feeling when standing on the edge of the abyss, and from below a great height. It's very breathtaking.
Cannot agree with you more dreamcatchers. Very few people truly explore their own countries, I know my country still have many wonders I need to go unlock. We have the most majestic mountain ranges which I do not visit often enough.
These are crazy places! I like them very much!
You would like them even more when experiencing them yourself amedeo.
Yes, yes @crazymumzysa. I am following you
Enjoyable read with great pics. The roads where I live aren't too far off from this list lol.
Thank you tinajordan. Where are you from?
The Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina
Beautiful, memorable views. It's great motivation for traveling. It's my passion and it drives me to hard work.
Thank you websensei, this is exactly how I feel. The more I discover the more I have this urge to travel the rest of the world, so I will have to work very hard to make this dream of mine a reality.
Such beautiful pictures but for some of these roads I would have to pass.
Yeah, some are scary. I have done the ones in South Africa but would love to do the others, especially the two from China and Norway.
Beautiful pictures. I would love to go on those rides. Thanks for sharing.

Alway a pleasure lulita. Hope you will one day make this wish a reality.
Everything is possible if we put our mind into it. Thank you.
These are some beers taking places to be indeed if one has the opportunity to visit in his life.. Thank you for sharing the beautiful places and I really hope one day we have the freedom in our lives to explore and live freely.
All the best from me..
Be free
Thank you very much vangelov, I truly appreciate your kind words. Enjoy a fabulous weekend.
Awesome is not to believe. I only knew, The Atlantic Ocean Road
Guoliang Tunnel Road, China = this is crazy
Wow! Would love to drive that someday!
Work hard here on steemit and you will dajohns1420.
Wow those roads are absolutely amazing and scary,I'd be to afraid to drive on some of them.
me too! I agree... but nice to look at the pics!
Amazing 😌 These places are beautiful. I am sorry, I did not get have you visited it or admiring it?
Anyways you have my vote. It is beautiful ❤️
With the title i thought this was soccer post lol
Lol briantec01, sorry to disappoint you. I will definitely have a Soccer Celeb kicking a ball if I post about this subject.
wow! awesome roads!!
Wooww amazing pictures
Thank you ahmadredha. enjoy a lovely weekend.
The photos look amazing but too scary for me to be driving on these roads.....
@crazymumzysa, you always have the most unique posts. I love all the different roads and passes in different countries and all of the narrative. Some of those roads though look scary and too close to the edges. I hope you have a great weekend. Get some rest! :D