Aaaaa lovely! You're good! This was so cool to watch, you could definetely do some more. What is your favourite guitar player of all times and how long did it took you do learn how to play?
Aaaaa lovely! You're good! This was so cool to watch, you could definetely do some more. What is your favourite guitar player of all times and how long did it took you do learn how to play?
I like to think I am still learning! Although I have been playing for some thirty years now. I used to be in a cool band. But that was many moons ago. My favourite player is Glenn Tipton closely followed by Richie Faulkner. There might be a theme there... :OD
Oh you rockstar! hihi. I wonder how you looked like then , being in the cool band and stuff. I will search these players and give them a listen, I like guitar.
Hehe, it was a fabulous time indeed. I still smile when I think of the crazy times we had :OD