Hairballs are really something nasty, this is why almost nobody wants to clean up that. Maybe this is why cats are so cute, so they could get away with this. Brrrrrr just thinking about it gives me chills😂😂
Hairballs are really something nasty, this is why almost nobody wants to clean up that. Maybe this is why cats are so cute, so they could get away with this. Brrrrrr just thinking about it gives me chills😂😂
Imagine wearing a wig made out of them, yeeeurch.
Of course, I do not know what I said that but it just popped into my head. They are disgusting, feegy awful things!
Ewww furry sticky wig. Well at least the wind wouldn't take it as it is too smelly even for the wind😂😂😂
There is no known wind that could remove that from your head! lol