Prop-Making for Beauty and the Beast

in #life7 years ago (edited)

“The old cliché in theater is, if you’re nervous, pick up a prop, which will immediately take you outside of your mind.”
– Jesse Eisenberg –

Do you enjoy the theater?

As much as I love movies, I've found that I would far rather spend an evening watching live theater than watching a movie. There is a certain magic about having real, live people performing before your eyes that a movie simply does not provide.

Almost eight years ago,

I played Maurice in a community theater production of Beauty and the Beast. You might say I was the poster boy for type-casting, because—essentially—I am Maurice. I am the crazy tinkerer/inventor. I love to build things.

And so, I was beyond delighted when a local Musical Theater director contacted me and asked me to build some specialty props for an upcoming production.

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Theater Magic!
Image courtesy of Connor Limbocker and

Our local charter school enjoys an outstanding Musical Theater program.

The plays are performed entirely by students from fifth through eighth grade, but the overall production quality makes you think you're watching a Broadway show. The theater director goes out of her way, sparing no expense, to ensure that everything about each show is top drawer.

For example, during last year's performance of The Wizard of Oz, a specialty company (Flying by Foy) was hired to set up the necessary equipment and train parent volunteers to enable the actors to fly. Thus, Dorothy was actually blown away into the sky by the tornado, both bad and good witches were dramatically airborne, and the flying monkeys did.

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You think you're watching a Broadway show.
Image courtesy of Denys Nevozhai and

The company is preparing to do Disney's Beauty and the Beast.

If you've seen any of the movies or theater productions, you may know that there are several specialty props that you can't simply buy off the shelf.

Maurice, beauty Belle's father, is an inventor. In the 2017 Disney film, he is seen in his workshop putting finishing touches on an animated Windmill Music Box. The blades rotate just as if they were the sails of a real Dutch windmill, moved by the wind.

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A peek at the windmill design in progress.
Original photo by @creatr

Belle sees things of great import displayed in a Magic Mirror. She sees her father, Maurice, lost in the woods. Later, she takes the mirror with her and invokes a vision of the Beast himself, showing him to the mob.

Of pivotal significance in the story is an Enchanted Rose. Periodically, one or more petals fall from the rose. As the story goes, the Beast must "learn to love another and earn her love in return by the time the last petal falls."

My task is to build these three props.

The compensation for the job is modest, and the job itself is substantial. Nonetheless, I'm excited about it because the task is for a very good cause, the design and implementation will be fun for me, and I may reap other rewards in the future.

My goal, as always,

is the best possible outcome. I want these props to match or exceed anything ever seen before on Broadway. In fact, I hope that when I am done, I will be able to find other theater companies who may want to purchase or rent copies of these props from me.

Table of Contents

I love the theater.
Image courtesy of Peter Lewicki and

In some upcoming articles,

I hope to tell you more about the design and implementation of these three set pieces. Stay tuned!


LOOK! Check out our amazing product:
Introducing: The SILVERengines proton - Image by @creatr

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I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about them all.

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@creatr @creatr @creatr

Sounds magical. Beauty and the beast is one of my all time favorite fairy tales. I had a hard time watch the live action adaptation by Bill Condon last year though. It felt forced.

I wish I could come see the show, we don't have much theatre where I'm from.

You could at least give an update when you're done building the props. Happy Tinkering

Thank you, @feekayo.

I haven't seen the 2017 movie yet, but hope to watch it soon. I've seen clips from it that contain the particular items that I'm working on building.

You would love the show, I'm sure. If you're anywhere near Escondido, CA in April, you should get a ticket... ;)

Nice post about Music..
Music is an art form and cultural activity whose medium is sound organized in time. The common elements of music are pitch, rhythm, dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture.
I also love music..
Keep it up sir..

Thank you.

Music????? Lol did I miss something AGAIN in this post? 😂😂😂😂
Hope he meant theater lol

U welcome sir..
Nice post..
Keep it up..👍

Certainly you're getting there, these companies adores creativity, and you've got it, I'm sure your props will go a very long way, surely

Thank you for your encouragement. ;)

I have always had a soft spot for musical theater as I was involved in it years ago. Ah yes if life and love could be like a musical. Makes me want to share some lyrics from long ago. ...I am confident you will do well. Congrats and thanks so much for sharing. I will be interested in learning more.

Thanks, Troy!

So nice to hear your creativity is not just in storytelling. The windmill looks fab. As you like to bring joy to others and as you have 3D printers, I wondered if you might be interested in this project. The link is to a short clip about how it started in the UK but I know there are now teams in the USA also and internationally. Such a simple solution for countless children. I am not associated, just saw it on tv here recently and googled it. Anyway here is the video clip about team unlimbited, cheers.

Hello, @ricia,

Thanks very much for your kind reply, and for the video. That looks like a very cool and interesting project.

As much as I appreciate the reference, I will probably continue designing and building my own projects, which also often provide significant help to others. Have you read about the SILVERengines proton that I created and that we produce?

They are available for sale now, and we do also provide them often on a loan, or a complimentary basis, or at a significant savings for those who are in need.

Clever name, that; Team Unlimbited... ;)

Just checked it out. Never heard of colloidal silver before, but I see it is used to check water safety. That can only be a good thing. It amazes me what use 3D printers can be put to! I understand they will soon be able to print organs now that they can submerge them in plasma first. Brave New World right enough.
Yes I thought they picked a clever name too. They won Shed of the Year a tv contest here in uk. A local firm (to the inventor in Wales) was so impressed he donated and built a new deluxe garden shed for the man, to improve his conditions. Nice story.

Oh, what fun! I love musical theatre, whether from the audience, on stage or backstage. Looking forward to following the progress of the props.

On another note, did you see my sister is here now (I've resteemed her posts) and enjoying the use of her 120 SP?

Thanks, Deb...

I've enjoyed sporadic involvement in theater since I was in grade school. I really do enjoy being part of a production, both on stage and behind the scenes. This opportunity to make some cool props was definitely a God-send, not to be missed.

I'm glad to hear your sister's account was opened, and I'll have a look-see. Thanks for dropping by! ;)

This is so ridiculously cool! I love live theater. I saw Phantom of the Opera on Broadway in New York and was that crazy person who was crying because it was just so beautiful. I teach high school English and just signed up my kids to see Hamilton through their education program (mostly because I really wanted to see it myself and tickets are impossible to get).

I saw Beauty and the Beast at the Fox theater in St. Louis in middle school- I think the most impressive part of the show was the witch throwing a glass orb at the prince in the beginning to curse him, and it exploding into flames around him. I am so ridiculously excited to hear about your process making these props. Like dancing in my seat excited about it.

Cool! I'm smiling very broadly, hearing of your interest in this.

Oh, I have some big plans for these props... ;)

That "sneak preview" of the Windmill? It's being printed right beside me, even as I type... Here's another little sneak peek for you, my friend:


I wasn't gonna post that until the next article, but, well... You sounded so interested! ;)

THANK YOU for your enthusiasm! You've made my evening. :D

Is that a 3d printer???? I might be having a conniption fit about this lol. How big will the windmill be, approximately? When they contract you to create these, do they give you a size requirement? What other requirements do they give you? Have you done something like this before? What programs and materials do you use to design everything?

lol I am overflowing with enthusiasm for this. Of course, if you were planning on answering those questions in your post, then don't feel like you must answer me in the comments. But I am absolutely stoked to hear about all this- both due to my love for theater, and as a crafter.

Alright, my friend... I shall answer your questions, either in comments, or in another post, or some combination... However... not right now, gotta go eat dinner or my wife will disown me!

Later, and again, Thanks for your abundant enthusiasm!

Yes, it IS one of my 3D printers, thanks for asking... ;)

That's so neat! I love the stage version of Beauty and the Beast. I've only gotten to enjoy it online through videos and the soundtrack which I listen to on super long road trips. You have the coolest tasks! I'd love to see your finished work.

Thank you, my friend!

I'm looking forward to sharing it as I progress. I tend to go in spurts and starts, and imagine great things. It will be interesting to see if the reality approaches my sweet imagination of how these ought to come out. :D

I definitely plan to publish details as these develop and when they are completed, God willing.

Cheers! ;)

hopefully you managed to build the three props your theater, never give up, reach your dreams, hope you succeed.thank you.

Thank you.

I'd love to see your props when they are finished!
It's so interesting that you're working on Beauty and the Beast because my sister was actually cast in her High School production recently too. I guess it's seeing a small revival ;)
Neat to see there are more theatre geeks out there!

My understanding is that the movie last year has spawned a lot of resulting theater productions...

I'm sure your sister will have a lot of fun with this show! :D

I hope so! I know she enjoys acting and singing and this is, well, it. Ya know.

You might say I was the poster boy for type-casting, because—essentially—I am Maurice. I am the crazy tinkerer/inventor. I love to build things.

This had not crossed my mind when you mentioned you were working on this production, but I totally see it now!

I am excited for you Brother! The compensation is modest but I am praying there are other opportunities here that open up a wealth of passion work for you.

Thanks! The main body of the Windmill finished printing this morning. Hope to write about that design soon. ;)

Well done you, your products will make you famous :)

BTW, my friend, be sure to read about "Herxheimer" on this page:

Read the paragraph and follow the link at the bottom.

The "short version" is that you should start slow with the silver, because it will start killing off lots of bugs and you might feel worse to begin with... ;)

Herxheimer reactions are a-plenty in detoxes llololol

Hopefully inspiration finds you in your endeavours.

May the prop reflect your creative desires.

Thank you very much for your kind words.

Well now I read the FULL thing.... Lol and the windmill is truly beautiful.

I'm going to hound you about that other project!!!!! I will even write the post and pimp it and resteem!!! And promote it! Lolololol
I reeeeeeally think it will do well!!!!

The following is not flattery... And you know this because you know me!!! (IRL lol)
But you are by far the most intelligent man I know and I often refer to you this way behind your back 😂😂😂😂

Keep up the amazing work! ♥️

Aw, shucks, thanks... ;)

;)Man @creatr... good thing you have such low aspirations :) it will be fun seeing the props come together... but sheesh could you please just raise the bar a bit higher for yourself please. (exit left grumbling unintelligible things about “slackers”...)

LOL! And a sense of humor to boot! :D

I suspect we'll have some good laughs together one day...

Oh, also get to know @captainobviou3 ...

There will be more as they come to mind. :D

Life is far too short to not spend a healthy chunk of it in laughter amongst friends! I’ll reach out and make the captain’s acquaintance. Take care and good night.

Beauty and the beast is one of my best fairy tales. Belle is my favourite out of all the characters. Yes there is a certain magical feeling when watching a live play instead of watching a movie. The characters seem more real cause you are looking directly at the actors. Good luck in making the props.. I'm sure you'll make great ones

Thanks for the kind wishes. I'll be posting stories about progress on the props... :D

I have some ideas of the challenges involved - I studied dramatic arts at university and we did productions - later, I co-directed The Wizard of Oz with a full live orchestra and special effects props - Never want to hear that music again, but the process was especially gruelling because of interminable rehearsals. Making actors fly should be no small feat for you, and I'm sure you'll do more than this with your set designs, unique props and technical wizardry

Thanks, John!

Quite fascinating to hear of your involvement in the theater. One of these days I must write the story of how a particular theatrical play had a profound effect on my life and thinking...

Thanks for your kindly encouraging words. I was battling with the Rose prop today, got a little discouraged... but the motor arrived for the Windmill, and I got the blades installed and turning. :D

Still need to print the Windmill dome, and do some painting/decorating/lighting, but it's coming along nicely! ;)

These kinds of productions can be as creative as writing - and often as challenging

Sounds to be not only interesting work, but also fuel for future posts! I have seen POTO several times and the set has Raoul walking on steps on the side of the stone wall. I would slip on the first step! Anyways its amazing how they are able to move the sets around so quickly!

Yeah, interesting barely begins to describe it... It is interesting, exciting, frustrating, demoralizing, surprising, and so on and so forth... You know, the usual "scratch-built" project woes and thrills... ;)

You had me going there for a while with POTO - hadn't heard it by the acronym, had to scramble to figger' it out. Thank God for the internet! :D

Yeah, set work is true theater magic... I would like to see how some of it is done as well.

Thanks for stopping by! ;)

My favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast! I remember watching the movie in the cinema with my family when I was a kid. I was even so excited during the time they were floating the idea of having a live action movie for it. It must be so exciting being part of the theater version! I've only seen a handful of plays and one musical (Miss Saigon) and they were awesome! You're right about the magic of seeing things play out in person. It makes everything seem more... real even as you know it's a play. Good luck on your undertaking :D

Yes, the theater is a special kind of magic. Thanks for your good wishes! ;)

very nice dare