Old Egypt. A mysterious place to go!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

There exists many places in the world that haven't be discovered. Since I'm in Steemit, I've seen that some people show their trips pictures, so I can show some things that life has permitted me to watch and learn. Old Egypt has shown just a little piece of his inmensity to the more than 9 million of tourists that go to that country each year! I had the opportunity to be one of those tourists some years ago, and now I can tell my trip story.

And even when we can see that great pyramids and the amazing esfinge, what is inside is unknown to all that haven't go. It is incredible when you get iside a REALLY BIG FAT PYRAMID, and realize that there is just a pasagge (well.. like a corridor) a really really tiny and loooong one.

Piramide de Keops.jpg
Yes.. When I say tiny, is really tiny...
Then we can visit the esfinge.. You maybe could thing "it must be reaaally big" but nop... its like 20mts tall and like 50mts long.. It was build by sculpting limestone and the face represents the pharaon Kefren, who also is the owner of the third (and the smallest) of the three great pyramids ubicated behind the esfinge.
The three pyramids are the most famous of all.
But, not everybody know that there exist around 30 pyramids around all the Egypt desert, and the oldest is the Sakara pyramid, its about 4600 years old (or kind of) and curiously, there's a beer that has its name.
Sakara beer.jpg
The pyramid in the beer, is obviously the Sakara pyramid, known as the scalonated pyramid because of his particular structure.
piramide de sakkara.jpg
Egypts has many things to show, many stories to tell and many ones to make. So we can spend a life studying the history of that culture and enjoy it like a hobby because traveling IS A GIFT OF GOD!

Thanks to "History Channel" and the youtube account "Ciencia del Saber" you can see a lot of information by following the link:


Man... this gets an automatic upvote. It has been my life-long dream to see the pyramids in real-life. I am so jealous! Do you live near Egypt?

It seems crazy but no. I'm from Venezuela. I was there in 2008 and it feels like it was yesterday!

Wow. That's cool, too! What's Venezuela like?? The farthest "South" I have travelled is Mexico (I live near Seattle, WA USA). Is it warm there this time of year?? Are there any cool monuments in Venezuela? What sent you to Egypt? Just for fun?

Yes, I was just for fun. To go to a diferent place with totally different customs. And well...
Actually Venezuela really is not the same than some years ago. I love my country but there is a lot of chaos, corruption and what once was a free and happy place to live, now is mostly stressing and depressing. But that doesn't change the fact of this is an amazing country. There are states (districts) where the weather is warm and dry. We have beaches and lagoons and also two big and important lakes. Then you can go to some other states, where the weather is cold and wet, there, is located the longest and highest teleferic in the world, and when u get to the last station, the snow makes you forget that you are in southamerica.

Interesting. I knew a young woman from Venezuela, this was many years ago, over ten probably. The way she described the country was more like you said: violent and corrupt governments... that's a shame. But a guess even bad people cannot fully remove the beauty of a country; its history, its geography.
And what is a "teleferic?" I looked it up, but couldn't find an answer. Some kind of high-up train?

A teleferic is a kind of transport media used in mountains to go, over te trees, from a lowest point to a highes one in the mountain. Here in Venezuela it's ubicated in the state of Merida, it has 5 stations and in each one there is a restaurant and a kind of very big balcony and the view is something you can't describe, because you can watch it ona postal or a picture, but in person is amazing.
Here is a youtube link taken from "El Sumario" in wich shortly they show the way in the teleferic.

Ah. So like a gondola.. that is what I always called this lol, a gondola. But very cool. Thank you