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RE: LoL how screwed up is the Justice system...

in #life8 years ago

Thank You ; But I ALREADY Knew I was Awesome :)

But of course ; how could YOU know that ? right ?

( LoL ; I already knew I was awesome, thanks for realizing it to LoL )
[ just kidding :) ]

/ Hugz ;)

I am an AussieDownUndies ; so please understand I Hate the following term but I DO Already how this Aussie Social Cultural Rank in real Life...

I am simply horrified that any respectable society would even allow that word, never mind hold it in high regard, but that is my current Cultural Social Status.

When people call me that I feel like punching them in the Nose so bad !!!!!!!!!!!!

his next gentleman is termed a Bogan...

Aussie slang words...

The most awesomest interview EVER in the whole history of Recorded Time and Space !
