Time for some AussieDownUndies Slang Language . . .

in #life8 years ago

Australianese is very different from English or Americanese . . .

This might help you understand the differences between the Cultures...


Hope you understand the Aussie Culture better now . . .


Oh if you come to Australia just remember if it walks, flies, crawls or swims it is possibly one of the most deadliest ten animals of its species in the World...

In fact if your a tourist and want to stay alive ; it is probably best if you DO NOT visit Australia.

The Native Australian Animals KiLL a LoT of Tourists every year.

That is besides those who die alone in the Deserts of Australia when their cars break down...

Oh and Salt-Water Crocodiles eat alligators as tasty-snacks . . .

Hugz ;)


Nice post :)

I am an Aussie ; I truly cannot believe this is an accepted term of respect in AussieLand.

I swear whenever people in Australia call me this , I literally have to stop myself from trying to punch them in the face ! ! !

It is so stupid and wrong and disrespectful to females ; but within Australia , people do call me this as a term of RESPECT.

And I Bloody well HATE it ! ! !


/ Hugz ;)

u R followed...


I HATE this C_nt word, I literally do ; people do call me mad-C_nt in AussieDownUndies...

However HATiNG such a Term will not stop me from Obtaining and Aussie LEGEND " Social Rank increase " in two or three months to the Higher Rank of . . .


Such are the Social Standings that iNCREASE with this HIGHER Legendary Title :)

/ Hugz ;)

u R followed !

I REFUSE to even write such an offensive word and I NEVER Ever say such a word ; EVER . . .

... But ; what can an Aussie in Oz do ? . . .


so . . .

Would " Good " PLUS ' Tax ' = Great ? !

LoL ; just wondering :)

/ Hugz ;)

u R already followed . . .


thanksNice post, upvote back @aridhanuwsp

thank you,

u R followed . . .

/ Hugz ;)