Yesterday morning I woke up with a very sharp pain in my lower right abdomen. At first I thought it was just a turd trying to come out sideways. As the day went on, the pain became more and more intense. I went to the VA hospital's emergency room to get it checked out, but the VA had no urgency. After waiting around in the waiting room for a couple hours, I realized I wasn't going to be seen for a very long time. I ended up leaving and went back home. I told Kenn Bosak that I might be able to join him on the Nightly Crypto Show because of this. After a few hours passed, I decided to suck up the pain do the live stream with him anyway. I think I hid my discomfort pretty well during the show. After the show ended, the pain became unbearable and I needed to go to the hospital. I was seen at Anschutz hospital here in Aurora, Colorado. The pain was so bad by time I got there that I was in tears and crawling on the hospital floor. They preformed a CAT scan and saw that my appendix was inflamed and needed to removed. I went into surgery early this morning and was released just before noon. I am so doped up on pain meds right now that I am seeing double and having trouble writing this. Even with the pain meds, I am still in pain. This pain is from the surgery and is a hell of a lot more tolerable than the appendix pain. They made 3 small incisions and used a camera and two robotic arms to remove my appendix. I can't wait til this pain is gone once and for all. I am also pissed that VA didn't take my situation more seriously.
Sucks about the VA. Glad you got help in time.
Scary stuff, glad you are ok brother! Get 100% soon!
Hope your getting better, sounds like you were in deep Shite...
Oh man. I hope you recover fast friend.