When I Knew...

in #life7 years ago (edited)


This is a brief history about how my husband and I met and when I knew I would spend the rest of my life with him. Thank you @apanamamama for this wonderful idea to share our love stories~ ❤️

I’ll be sharing random pictures of us throughout this post!


It Begins

My husband and I met at age 12 when his family moved into our neighborhood. My siblings and I were outside playing on the basketball court when his older brother came to introduce himself. He immediately had a crush on my older sister. He ran home and told his brother,

Hey I just met a family that has two cute sisters, one’s my age and the other is your age. Come outside to see this girl.

So they both come up to the court and he introduces himself to me. My first thought was he’s a cute boy but I wasn’t interested in getting to know him right away. I later learned they had a sister my age and we instantly became good friends. A few months later he and I ended up going together (that’s what we used to say when we dated someone back then lol) because I got to know him and we became pretty close too.

Here comes the deal breaker. Now remember we were only 12 at this time. After a few weeks of being together he tells me...

I prayed and asked God to show me who my wife would be and He showed me it was you.


Yes you guessed it by my expression. I ran...far far away from him as I could. You don’t just drop a message like that on a 12 year old. Husband? I haven’t even made it to high school yet how could I possibly believe he would be my husband. I had so many other guys to meet along the way lol. Don’t get me wrong I believe the Lord speaks to us and shows us things but I didn’t get that same message so I wasn’t believing it (yet). So from then on I was a little nervous to be with him. But inspite of me thinking he was crazy, we dated on and off all throughout junior high school.



Moving On

Once we reached high school I was ready to explore other options and meet other people. He and I remained friends and his sister and I remained pretty close. For a long time he wouldn’t date anyone else because he was stuck on me and what God had told him. I even tried to encourage him to date around because he might find someone else he really liked. I think it took him seeing me dating others to finally let go and move on...so I thought. He would hear about me dating someone and come confirm it with me. I started referring to him as my stalker because he was watching my every move. I know this may sound crazy to some but in high school I was interested in the cool guys or the “bad” guys that were always up to no good. I wasn’t into the nice and sweet guys like I should have been. I don’t know why I was so attracted to the no good ones. I think their charisma and popularity is what triggered it mainly.

Fast forwarding to after high school years. I admit I led him on a few times and had him thinking there was still a chance for us. I even caused his mom and sister to get frustrated with me for continuing to lead him on. They would always say

either be with him or leave him be.

I started to get confused. I felt like here’s this guy who has been my friend and stuck by my side since we were 12. But yet I wasn’t for sure if I felt for him the same way he felt for me. I was trying to have my cake and eat it too because I didn’t want him falling seriously for another girl but yet I still wanted to date around.



The Game Changer

Time went on and some how we always ran back into each other. One day I was visiting my parents and he just happened to be in the neighborhood visiting his mom. He took me to a movie as friends and we had a good time.

About 3 months later he visited my church on a Wednesday night during Bible study. Let me tell ya, I’ve never seen him looking so good and smelling so fresh!! 😄😛 He knew what he was doing. He knew he would get my attention and I wouldn’t be able to resist him lol! Well guess what? After Bible study was over he walks me to my car. I asked him if he wanted to grab a bite to eat and hang out. He then tells me,

well I’m actually about to head to my girlfriend’s because she wants me over for dinner. But thanks for the offer though.

What???!!!! 🤭🤭🤭😲😲😲 He has NEVER EVER turned me down and who was this chic? He finally found someone to replace me?? These are the thoughts racing through my mind. You’d think I’d be happy but I wasn’t. I had this overwhelming feeling of rejection and jealousy that I couldn’t shake. I was in shock. This is when I knew I had suppressed my feelings for him for so long that I didn’t realize how much I really did want to be with him. It took him dating another girl and turning me down for the first time for me to realize this.

A couple of weeks later I contacted him to ask how his relationship was going (lol funny how the tables turn). He told me he did really like this girl but the problem was she had different beliefs that contradicted his walk as a Christian. Now at this point I was getting excited to hear this because he was (and still is) a faithful follower of Christ and took the Lord’s word very seriously. I knew he wouldn’t be with her for long because of this. But for some reason he held on to this relationship longer than I expected.



The Night That Changed Everything

Weeks went by and then I got word that he decided to pursue a computer animation degree...out of state! I was devastated. I thought to myself I have probably ruined my chances of being with the man God had for me all along. I was done playing games, done messing with no good boys and was ready to be with someone who loved the Lord and me as well.

I did something courageous and out of my comfort zone. I drove over to his apartment in the middle of the night (like 2:00am) and called him to come outside. He was shocked and surprised I would come over during such hours. He got in my car and that’s when I let it all out. I apologized for leading him on all of these years and for giving him false signals. I admitted I was scared when he first told me at age 12 I was chosen to be his wife. I also admitted I suppressed my feelings for him in order to move on but secretly still wanted to peruse him. I told him I was done playing games and I was ready to be with him, like really be with him. I asked him to give me one more chance and he wouldn’t regret it. He waits, looks at me with a serious expression and says,

you know I’m still in this relationship and I will be leaving for animation school soon. I can’t give you an answer right now, I need some time to think.

So me being confident in that moment says,

I know you won’t be with this girl for long and I know you won’t leave me knowing that God showed you who I was meant to be in your life. I’ll be waiting for your call.


Yea I said that!! 😅 I don’t know what overcame me but I was acting out of my character and didn’t really care. All I wanted was to be with him, and I didn’t want him to walk out of my life. He called me a week later letting me know he wasn’t in that relationship any more and that he was holding off on animation school...for ME. He wanted to see where this would go and he was willing to give it one more shot.


Our Engagement Pic 2006

Destiny Happens

Two years later in July of 2006 we were engaged and then got married that same year in November. We felt there was no need to wait and do a long engagement. We already knew we weren’t meant for one another. We are 11 years and going strong and look forward to celebrating 12 years this November!!! I would have never imagined this boy that I met when I was 12 years old would end up being my husband. It’s so crazy looking back now and knowing he was right about what God showed him, he wasn’t imagining things. I guess it wasn’t the time for me to know it yet but God showed me right on time that I needed to be with this man. I am so thankful God kept urging him to give me another chance. He has told me before he wanted to give up on me but God wouldn’t let him.

So what’s your love story? I would love to hear about it. If you decide to post about it please use the tag #wheniknew so we can easily find your story.

#wheniknew by @apanamamama!

All pictures are my own!


Thank You For Reading Our Love Story! 😃😍❤️










Huge shoutout to @rigaronib for creating my logo/banner!!! He was so awesome to work with and as you can see he produces great results!!!! Thank you!!!


Beautiful. So happy for you and your family. If love could replace all the hate in this world, it would be a way better place.

Thank you so much!! ☺️

Great story, @crosheille! What is it about our menfolk knowing this kind of stuff way before we do? Ben claims he knew he would marry me the first night we met but I was way too scared to make that kind of decision that quickly. :P

Thank you!! I’m so glad you read and enjoyed! Wow you too huh? That is something. I guess
it has something to do with what the Bible says...He who finds a wife finds a good thing. So I guess God tells them before he tells us!! 😅

Wow, that is really crazy! Ha!! My Ben did as well know years before me.

Oh man!! We are the same. The part of my story that I left out (well, two) is that I always called my husband my stalker as well. He kind of was. He just showed up places...and he lived like 7 hours from me at the time!! Ha. He also at one point told me he was praying and thinking about girls he knew and God put me in his mind!!! This was years after we had met in middle school. SO CRAZY! Lol - he had to head to his girlfriend's house after meeting you at church!!! "I'll be waiting for your call!!" You go!!! :) I love love love the story!! and all the pics!! So great! So glad that God kept after him to wait for you. It's so amazing how similar our stories really are!!! Wow!! Thanks so much for writing it up!! It's so amazing to see how God has changed us in so many ways to be the women and wives that God wanted us to be!

Oh wow!!! Yes our stories are sooooo similar!!! This is so funny!!! I Love it!!! We are married to stalkers Ha Ha!!!!

Lol thanks!! After I left I couldn’t believe I said that to him. I guess I really wanted him after all!! 😂😂

Thanks so much for reading and supporting! I’m so glad God kept him waiting too (the Lord knows how stubborn we can be lol). I’m so grateful I didn’t fall for a worldy man, thank you Lord for knowing better than we do.

Yes, totally agree!! I could definitely be living a completely different life right now, but thankfully the Lord had other plans! :) Hopefully our boys don't turn into stalkers. ;) Ha!

Yes that’s exactly the same for me! Lol oh my goodness I could totally see my boys doing that too Lol!!! 😅

Okay, now I have tears in my eyes! What a wonderful life story of you and your husband! Thanks for sharing!

Awww thanks so much for reading!!! 💕☺️

this is such a beautiful story, and all that ye went through to end up together even after him announcing at 12 that ye would get married. Congratulations both of you, you both look perfect for one another, love all the pictures xx

Thank you so much!!! Till this day I am amazed at how things went. Thank you for such sweet compliments!! I’m glad you enjoyed reading~ 💜

You are the most romantic couple
Hopefully still romantic until the end of your life.

Thank you so much for reading and for your kind words! That sure is our goal ;)

Wow, I love your story. 😄 I understand why you freaked a little being only 12, but what he said at that age is just so sweet. Good going you two for keeping it up for all these years. 😁

Thank you so much! I’m so glad you enjoyed reading :D Yes it freaked me out quite a bit back then lol! 😄

Haha! When my husband said "I think I love you" I told him I had heard THAT shit before... lol! Great lvoe story, congratulations!

Oh my goodness that’s hilarious!!! 😂

Thanks so much for reading!!! 😁

What a great story. I love seeing people in love. I like happy faces, lol. Y'all are awesome!

Thank you so much!! I’m so glad you enjoyed reading. I really appreciate your kind words!! 😊

Absolutely loved your story!! Funny how things work out for good, He truly has His ways and His words are so powerful. When the Bible says His words won't return to Him void, it really isn't kidding 😂😂😂 now that's a great testimony of faith and hope! He and she who finds a good wife and husband finds a good thing 😘😘😘 bless you and your family, xx

Thank you so much for reading and commenting! I’m so glad you enjoyed reading! His Word is Absolutely true and He is so faithful! Many blessing to you and your family as well~ 😘❤️

Awwwww!!! What a beautiful love story! I probably would have run away with that revelation at 12, too!! 🤣😂

Thanks so much for reading!!! Can you imagine? It scared the living daylights out of me Lol!! 🤣🤣🤣

Your love story is like a movie script. I loved it. Thank you for sharing it and showing others tat happy endings do exist. ;-)

😄☺️ Thank you!! I’m so pleased you loved our story. Thank for stopping by and reading ~

Awwwww! You two are BEYOND ADORABLE in all the pics!! and I love your wonderful story! It gave me a lot of joy to read it <3 Thank you for posting it!

Thank you so very much!! ☺️ You are so sweet and I appreciate your kind words~ 💜

Wow! You have some really lovely pics with your hubs. It is so heartwarming to hear stories of love when you were 12! God does work in wonderful and mysterious ways. Indeed, a man that finds a wife finds treasure and favour from God. May you both continue to grow stronger in love as the years go by. I am personally going to take more pic with my hubs as I realise that we haven't taken a lot of photos together just us when the kids arrived.

Thank you!!! I’m so glad you enjoyed our story and the pics! He truly does work in mysterious ways! Thank you for your kind words and pleasant wishes. We love taking pictures together to fill up our memories. I think you should take many with your husband to have plenty to look back on ;)