In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The very first divine command in the history of God's relationship with the earth is, " let there be light ". The situation described in the first two verses was of confusion. The earth was a jumble of matters, all formless and indescribable, covered by pitch darkness. To do anything in such an environment, God needed light.
Light is symbolic of many things, but in this case, it's function is to reveal, to give clarity, to chase the darkness away. Light is illumination, it gives an understanding of the true state of matters.
Over the years, I've seen situations similar to the state of the earth in the beginning, seasons of confusion and present darkness, when in truth there was no clear idea of what to do. At such times, I tell myself, if God needed light, so do I.
I've discovered that desperate and frantic actions in the dark creates more confusion. So when things are tohu and bohu, a jumble of confusing disorder, be still, look unto God and pray "FATHER LET THERE BE LIGHT ". Clarity will come and you will realize that the noise in the dark is the roar of a fake and toothless lion. follow me and i will follow back
Excellent thought to remember when feeling down-thanks.