My approach of life would be positive, optimistic & definite.

in #life7 years ago (edited)


I can see a false impression or some illusion that has been projected at me, to throw me off course or to misjudge. Whether done innocently or deliberately, I can dispel that false impression and work my own way right through it. I could even do this without challenging or confronting anyone directly, thus saving myself the trauma of a showdown. I would go slow when making any decisions that affect others.

It may be hard to be serious and stick to those dull but crucial tasks would keep my day running smoothly. I would be systematic, cheerful, and will not let it show if I feel undervalued or underappreciated. I would save my sharp wit and cleverness for another time and place. If I spent my time with younger people or children, that can lift my spirits and keep things in perspective for me.

I always enjoy an extra dose of protection in my life, so I would approach the day with confidence and a great sense of graciousness. My angels are voluntarily working overtime on my behalf, so I would take advantage of all opportunities to do good and to make progress in my daily life. I would do a nice deed for someone else and I know I have been rewarded in advance. More blessings will be on my way.

Sometimes things may not be going the way I like, but that does not mean to give up. Whatever went wrong in my life or in past is not an excuse to stop trying to make things right. I would be honest with myself and will do what I can to at least will not make matters worse. There's nothing that can't be forgiven, repaired or replaced. I would keep the faith and keep going.

It may start out as ordinarily in my life but a situation may arise that uncovers talents that I had no clue. I would be adaptable and be willing to say, "Yes, I'll give that a try," rather than automatically saying, "Well I'm not sure. I've never done that before." I would be positive, optimistic, and sure of myself. It's the perfect time for me to learn something useful and profitable as well as exciting.

Yes I have a magic touch. The right word or action at the right time can instantly turn things around and morph a challenge into an easy opportunity. This is not something to take for granted or to exploit, though. I would use my power with a very light touch, if at all. It's possible that a mere thought or unspoken intention could have influence as well.

I would need determination and perseverance to accomplish anything of substance in my life. I would pick something (or accept something that has been assigned to me) and stick with it until life's end. If I apply concentrated effort, I should be able to make a huge headway. Even if not, my single-minded approach will attract allies for tomorrow. I have more influence and authority than I suspect. So I would use them wisely.

And it continues.....




great motivation post....thanks for sharing us.....

Thank you, but I would feel more better if you take some time to read it completely.

i read your post completely....@crypto-wisdom

your writing skill is too good and good explain nice post wish you best of luck .....

I would need determination and perseverance to accomplish anything of substance in my life. I would pick something (or accept something that has been assigned to me) and stick with it until life's end.

That is the very meaning of discipline, and a life without discipline is a life wasted, the way i see it.

A great post. Thank you for sharing.

Thank you so much.

Yeah, staying positive is so important. Good advice to avoid negativity and focus on the positive :)

Yes life should always be channeled in a positive manner. Thank you @creativo.

Agreed, positivity outweighs negativity always. I try to learn from the higher reputation Blogs on Steemit because I am intrigued by the way you add value and grow on the Steemit community. Your blog name.... Crypto-Wisdom... caught my attention, a great name to help add value and "teach" others to also learn to grow.... Thanks for the good post :)