Really good read. Finding mentioned "window of opportunity" may be a tricky part. Emotions usually are on the way. We may see those windows of opportunities sometimes when in fact they do not exist.
So missing one is not a problem. But seeing one that doesnt exist can be a real issue.
Cheers mate
i'm very sorry for such a late reply. have been away for several days but Im back now :)
just wanted to thank you for your previous comment
I value your comments a lot but somehow Im scared to reply because it's just hard to catch up with you. Are you on steemit 24h/day? :)
I'm actually rarely on steemit, Piotr. I think I've only done 3 posts in the last 4 weeks.
BTW, what happened to your voting power anyway? I've never seen you give an upvote worth $0.00 before. That's really strange.
that's strange. i didnt know i could even give such a low vote. i always upvote with my 100% voting power. and i've 50% now so Im not sure wtf
strange like hell, thx for pointing it out