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RE: The Fine Line Between Genius & Insanity: Dancing Through Genetic Dimensions Of Hyperspace... PART TWO

in #life8 years ago

Right on! Neuron networking, YES and the human brain imho capable of so much more than a Watson or Deep Blue. Tesla reference perfect also for me for many reasons. First I'll ask this? What do they call the medical procedures for measuring activity in the brain as well as the heart? There's a good reason for this thought and question before I expose what some see as radical thoughts to critique....I'll Be Back ♨


Curious about your upcoming expose... please do check back in with a link to it when posted... :-)

Sorry for late response. Big bad storm blew everything over. Lost power. Internet finally back up. I get on with it. Of course I referred to EKG & EEG, which share common first word 'Electro'. There is much we don't know today about our Universe many theories regarding Electricity and Magnetism but conclusive knowledge very incomplete. Tesla may have understood and tested his hypotheses more than anyone and perhaps could harness the electricity present around all of us on our planet. Getting on with it, I participate with group who forward the Electric Universe Theory, which basically observes and documents electrical activities throughout with special attention to our Star the Sun. Solar activity which can be measured reveals electrical discharges present during filament releases akin to Coronal Mass Ejecta. These currents spew outward to outer reaches of Universe. Beyond? The EKG, with a differential amplifier registers the difference between two electrodes attached to the skin, this galvanic skin response measures electrical resistance and results picture the status of a healthy heart, Hopefully? The EEG, measures the magnetic field induced by electrical currents (electroencephalogram) of the brain. Now lets return to Harmonic Universal events and those effects on Human health. Our planet is protected from harmful emmisions whether from our Sun or from Gamma Rays which basically very similar but theory states they come from outer regions back towards Earth. Either direction our planet is protected by Geomagnetic shields, however these shields can be pushed aside hopefully only temporary damage and then bounce back thankfully to protect humanity. Even a glancing blow from ejecta can be accompanied by Solar wind speeds impossible to imagine by peoplekind. Our modern research indicates almost everything on our planet is actually effected by these forces more than any other. Not wanting to argue against settled scientist's climate heresy but there is no doubt to those familiar with the Electric Universe theories that ALL weather events including; Hurricane, Typhoon, Tornadic Storms, Snow, Volcanic and Earthquake activity are directly correlated.

Volcanic Electricity.jpg

No doubt that if these Universal electrical and magnetic discharges can trigger an Earthquake or Volcanic eruption, then effects upon human body, especially heart and brain waves, should be expected. Those conducting this research have very conclusive data documenting these factors and over last few years this study gaining acceptance from Medical community. Basically when Earth is in potential harmful condition it is not just satellite damage, radio and electrical power disruption but increases in heart attack and instability for those who suffer mental illness and anxiety.
By the way, Earth did indeed sustain Geoshield disturbances recently so not a surprise in hindsight that big bad storm blew through. If interested further, check out my recent blog posts and you'll find these Sun to Earth spot alerts as well as interesting correlations between some major tectonic events. I have nothing to add to the psychedelic discussion other than there is same electrical disturbance to brain while tripping out. Anyone care to discuss?

whoa, very cool.

was contemplating during the part about the dynamics in space - how those effects could potentially be at work in the realm of astrology and all the alchemy around that.

so much yet to discover, and to piece together the different findings from various fields...

More we know, the more we know we don't ♨ much to discover Eyes Open No Fear ❣