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RE: Why I Stopped Drinking Alcohol II: It Does Absolutely Nothing Good For You

in #life8 years ago

This is such great advice! Alcohol is only a cloak to cover up the sorrows or insecurities of one's life. It's an escape that's designed to make them feel better about their problems for one night, only to wake up to the regret of having to deal with them again. I'm not saying alcohol is completely bad by any means. It's good to hangout with friends and drink every now and then and socialize. But if you're getting blackout drunk every weekend or spending hundreds of dollars on alcohol a week, there's a problem. Instead, how about using that money to improve your health, workout, start a new hobby, save up for a vacation, etc. People treat alcohol like this wonder drug and act like they have to drink all the time because it's the "cool" thing the do. I've driven plenty of people home because I was the designated driver, and I can tell you, alcohol does not make you "cool". So instead, use that money/distraction for something positive, and reap the rewards of a much healthier and prosperous life. Thanks for sharing :)