Never Give Up

in #life7 years ago

Life’s gonna hit you hard, it’s gonna hit you even more harder if you don’t get back up after a fall. Life’s all about not giving up. You lose, when you give up on your dreams. You win, when you give up the fear that’s holding you back.

In life, sometimes you win and sometimes you learn, you never lose. Losing has never been an option but learning can be an option. Do not regret if you miss a chance, rewind it and get that chance back. You don’t have to rest after your first win, if you do so, it will make people think that it was all about your luck .

Work smart not hard. If hard work was enough then those workers who work hard for daily wages could have become billionaires by now. Smart work gonna take you far but not hard work.

You can achieve anything if you believe in yourself .

dreams1.jpg#WorkSmart #DontGiveUp #YouCanDoIt.