The best ideas comes to me whenever I'm sitting under my favourite tree too
I can relate to this, the ideas for the end of my story Asimov's Ghost came to me while walking on the Heath.
I will ensure I take it picture and probably share it with you when next I visit... Lol
Please do!
I've been hearing people talking about using sun, moon and starts for directions, I never knew how it operates despite the fact that we have them in abundance in Nigeria.. Lol
I know, same here! The fact is, they are always in the same position, so as long as you know where they are in relation to you when you start, and where they should be (or rather a particular star should be) when you reach your journey's end, you can reliably use them, simple! :-D
Sure, with the way you explain it, I can easily practice and rely on.
Thanks dear, I will share the picture with you very soon...