Arthur only now I came back to read your post, because it is one hell of a post and it deserves a quiet moment of my time to fully digest it. I'm impressed how you linked three powerful ideas into a coherent flow. I agree that we have fallen victim to the illusion of the "importance of numbers". I think this is evidence of the artificiality that has infected our society? And the clever systems employed to make us chase this plastic. Get a new follower, chase another like. What about "Profit over People"? Well, this is the real Weakness of capitalistic systems. When numbers, profit become more important than fellow humans. There is no cure, at least I have not imagined one. It is at the same time the most efficient system (competitiveness) and the most heartless system, that we have come up with. Investors will squeeze the managers for profits, who in turn will bleed their workers dry. It pains to see the majority of fellow humans ignoring all these issues that are clearly messed up and wrong. No time to look up from the screen, I guess.
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Well said Nik and thanks : )
I think there is a cure for this but it has to come from the top. A psychopathic society is always built from the top down never from the bottom up - therefore it is leaders who are responsible for this mess. Therefore we need to find a way to stop psychopathic types getting into positions of power in the first place. All of would take would be for one political person to take up this issue and volunteer to take the psychopathy test. This could very well set a new standard for politicians to take that test. After that it would be only one step away from bankers etc. So much is known about the harm caused by psychopathic personalities today that many scientists, psychologists and psychiatrists are working behind the scenes to see what can be doe about them. Change is coming but it will not be easy. I will probably do a blog about this showing how we turn around our broken society.
There's no way I could watch that without posting this! One of my favorite movies.