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RE: Fitness, Computers, Afghan Food and a fantastic day at the lake.

in #life8 years ago

Basically, ALL the machines out there are unreliable when it comes to measuring body fat. They are not accurate. It's that simple. Dexa scan is the most reliable among these machines and even that gives silly info about the human body. A YouTuber called Jon Venus made a video about it with numerous examples of stupid dexa scan results for various people who have peak level physiques.

The best way is to simply do a fat loss diet whenever your stomach starts to become visibly bigger. Let me give you an example: I am around 186 cm tall and my waist should be around 80-82cms to have a lean physique with completely visible abs. If it's above that number, then I know I have excess body fat(and the higher fat % is absolutely visible).

That's the most accurate body fat measurement you will ever need. :)


Thank you for this info!

I coach weight loss and lost "half my size" as well. I fight with obese Americans all the time about BMI - the body fat measurement commonly used. Everyone hates it including me.

So you are this according to the chart:

  • Below 18 - too skinny
  • 18-25 at goal
  • 25-30 overweight
  • 30-40 obese
  • 40+ Morbidly obese

You can find out your bmi online easily in calculators.

This is a traumatic chart for many as it was for me. Most people don't believe it can be true. So what I tell people is to spot themselves a few points.


  • Below 18 - too skinny (same)
  • 18-28 at goal
  • 28-33 overweight
  • 33-43 obese
  • 43+ morbidly obese

The people I work with are often in the 50's for BMI, so I try to get them not to obsess. I was already obese the first time I heard of this calculation and now I like to hover in the normal section.

According to the BMI index, I'm 28.8. 6"6 // 115KG. It's not too bad and improving. Project Steemfat is going well.

Best title ever! "Project Steemfat"

You are so close - now it's all about you and how you feel.

Since I lost my weight I hover between about
22 - when broke or sick
28 - when celebrating and eating like the obese person I really am

In the 22 range, I look sickly and skinny and try hard to eat more nutrition and get some healthy weight on.

In the 28 range, my clothes get tight and I "feel" fat and uncomfortable and try hard to eat more nutrition, exercise more and get some healthy weight off.

Either of those changes might take me a few weeks or a month to accomplish. So now the BMI numbers are just a guideline for me and not a prison sentence like I used to experience.

My high BMI was 47 and I regularly work with people above 50. This is where the trauma is.

Your number is "low" and it is all yours. It's just about your comfort level now :)

You are welcome!