That was a fun jaunt down your memory lane, I really enjoyed it! I can sympathize with your school experience, mine wasn't quite that bad, but I spent a year at a school where I got bullied and beat somewhat regularly because I didn't "fit in" at the school and was also a super duper nerd to top it all off.
The punk girl getting in your face reminds me of how once, when I was like 8 or 9, I was out and about in San Francisco with my older sister and I saw my first lesbians leaning against a telephone pole and making out on a corner. I pointed and yelled at my sister, full of excitement, "Look! There's girls kissing!" They looked us at quite belligerently and my sister apologized profusely while dragging me away. I didn't understand why and said something along the lines of "Tell me why!" Anyway... ;)
Hahaha love that San Francisco story.
Sorry to hear you were bullied - that sounds just as bad as mine.
Still I'd give all my own just to go back and relive one day of it.