The best way to appreciate a nice food is to eat it when you are hungry.
For me a good routine before dinner is to do an exercise routine a few hours before eating. In this situation, I will eat any food. I won't be a picky eater, why? Because of my tiredness and hunger, I no longer care if what is served on the table is delicious or not. Even a simple apple tastes good to me when I'm hungry. It's really satisfying to eat a juicy fruit like apple. It's because I'm hungry and thirsty.
Even plain water can be appreciated right after I exercise. I really sweat a lot when I exercise, that's why I'm so thirsty after I exercise. Maintaining this kind of discipline is crucial for my health because I'm getting older, that's why I should be more careful with my lifestyle. It can't be like when I was young when I didn't exercise much and I also ate fast food and drank sugary drinks. Things must change as we age.
Consistent exercise also helps me sleep better. I have read an article and it is said that a person's age increases by 1 decade when he sleeps only 5 to 6 hours, so it is necessary to maintain at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep so that the age does not accelerate. aging process of our body.
So, these are my focus:
- Exercise consistently
- Eat healthy food
- Enough sleep
That's my 3Es for a healthier me :)