tree of Life
Planting the tree of life, flush with affection, planting the future, we get rid of parasites ..
Let the children and grandchildren to learn under a tree
Let them grow together with green leaves. Do not let them die eaten by pests life .
Location: Plant mini Aceh town of Lhokseumawe
Bravo!!! Dear friend @curiesea beautiful words and reflexibas, beautiful pictures, congratulations dear friend and thanks for sharing
thanks friend @jlifer have given the spirit
pat nyan, pue bak taman mini
Nyoe bak taman mini
sama sama apa aceh
Pakeon nyan ....:-)
Ya sama sama apa aceh hanjeut plagiat
Meramah neuh ku kalon na di pe ingan seribe go ka ...
Ha ha ha
hana pupu long kabiasa plagiat long na akun 100 boh